Some of the Opposition journals announce a Ministerial coalition. We see the statement in the Morning Post; and we find it again somewhat compressed and put forth as if on authority, by the Standard, in these terms- " We understand that a department of the Government, hitherto carried on under a chief, is for the future to be managed by the same chief, [Lord Campbe11,1 assisted by a Board of unpaid Commissioners. The department alluded to is that of the Dutchy of Lancaster ; and the intended Board of Com- missioners—however surprising the fact may appear to our readers—will, be composed of the Earl Spencer, the Earl of Lincoln, Sir James Graham, and the Earl of Hardwicke l These Commissioners will receive no pecuniary emolu- ment; but we do hear that certain arrangements have been made in reference to the distribution of patronage, by virtue of which the new Board will not be left altogether without influence. Indeed, it is hinted that this provision is so ample as to have already excited no inconsiderable indignation M a noble Lord who ima- gines that he has been unfairly deprived of the advantages he formerly possessed. Of this, however, we know nothing: it is, for the present, quite enough for us to know that two members of Sir Robert Peel's late Cabinet, and a nobleman who held an appointment in the Royal Household under the same Administration, [Lord Hardwicke,] have accepted office at the hands of Lord John Russell."
A Cabinet Council was held at the Foreign Office on Saturday after- noon. Most of the Ministers were present, and the Council sat two home.
The Globe gives a piece of London news, as communicated from Paris on the 9th instant—" M. de Bacourt, a personal friend of Louis Philippe and of Lord Palmerston, has returned here from London within the last day or two. He was sent to London on a special mission, to smooth matters with the English Government; but Lord Palmerston, at the first interview, sta. ted at once, that if M. de Bacourt was not prepared to admit that France was wrong and England right in the Montpensier marriage question, there was no occasion to proceed. M. de Bacourt was not prepared just at that moment to make the admission: but what might have happened on con- sideration can only be conjectured, for M. de Bacourt has returned suddenly to Paris, by the order of his physician."
The new Board of Railway Commissioners began their official existence last Monday, in Great George Street, Westminster. They are likely soon to have their hands full. Owing to the number of railway projects on foot, several additional Gazettes have been pub- lished during the past week, containing the requisite notices. Extra Ga- zettes of bulky appearance were issued on Saturday, Wednesday, and Thursday last.
This year Ireland does not make railways; she only begs. Twelve months ago, owing to the great mass of notices on the part of promoters of railway bills, the Dublin Gazette was increased to six or eight times the ordinary dimensions. Now there is scarcely a railway scheme to be heard of, and the Gazette is filled instead with proclamations from the Lord- Lieutenant for presentment sessions to adopt measures for the relief of the destitute.
A Court of Directors was held at the East India House on Wednesday; and Mr. George Russell Clerk was unanimously appointed Governor of the Presidency of Bombay.
On Thursday, the morrow of St. Martin, the Lords of the Privy Council met in the Court of Exchequer, and nominated the Sheriffs for the different counties in England and Wales.
The rumour of a reduction about to be effected lathe complements of men- of-war has been confirmed by the issue of an Admiralty order, dated the 1st instant. The Hampshire Telegraph states, that "it is not to apply to those at present in commission, but only to such as may in future be brought forward. Both officers and men are to be reduced in number; a Lieutenant leas in every vessel, except steamers; and in three-decked ships, a reduction of about 50 men. All steamers are to have fewer sea- men, but more stokers and coal-trimmers; the boys, both first and second class, to continue as before; also the marines. We hear that the difficulty of obtaining Lieutenants is the cause of the latter, and exceeding the vote of the former."
Government has just concluded a purchase of about fourteen acres of land, on the East side of Birmingham, for the erection of a great central barracks for England. The site is on the angle of the junction between the London and Birmingham and Birmingham and Derby Railways; and cost, we hear, 25,000/. The new barracks will be the largest yet built in the United Kingdom; and troops stationed in them may be in any part of England, by one or other of the railways, in a few hours after receiving notice from head-quarters. We understand the electric telegraph is to be brought into a centre at the barracks, and communicate with all parts of the country, extending along every line of rail that may be made.—Cor- respondent of the Morning Chronicle.
The Morning Post states, in a mysterious paragraph, that Warner's " long range" has been privately tested by a Government officer, " on the Eastern extremity of the Essex coast," with satisfactory results.
Private letters from Vienna leave no doubt that the Due de Bordeaux was married, on the 5th instant, to the Princess Maria Theresa Beatrice, sister to the reigning Duke of Modena. The Princess numbers among her charms 300,000,000 francs, or twelve millions sterling! It is rumoured that the Duke of Modem's second sister is betrothed to the second son of Don Carlos. The Duke of Modena is the only sovereign of Europe who has not deigned to recognize " the dynasty of July "—Louis Philippe.
The Morning Post contradicts, on authority, a report in the French pepers that Prince Louis Napoleon Bonaparte was about to marry Miss Burdett Coutts.
A,letter from Munich, in the Gazette de Cologne, mentions that for some lime the state of Prince Metternich% health has caused serious apprehen- sin& He engages in no business, and confines his official activity to con- 'Mations. Some time ago it was reported that the friends of Prince Metternich deemed it prudent to watch his condition.
Prince Metternich has been offered 20,0001. for his grapes at Johannis- hem this year. The offer, being ranch below the value, was declined.
On the authority of advices from Berlin, the Globe contradicts a report in the German papers, that the Earl of Westmoreland, British Minister at the Prussian Court, was dangerously ill: he had only had a slight cold; being otherwise in excellent health.
Morgan John O'Connell, Esq. M.P. Kerry, is nominated to be Chief Commissioner:of the Poor-law Board in Ireland, at 2,0001. a year salary. On Mr. O'Connell's being installed, Mr. Twistleton returns to England.— Limerick Chronicle.
Among the Mayors chosen in the various municipalities throughout England on the 9th, a brother of Miss Martineau was unanimously elected Mayor of Birmingham.
The Times contains a letter signed " Charles Hardy," contradicting a current report that Mr. John Hardy, the Member for Bradford, is suffering from en attack of paralysis.
The Council of University College have appointed Dr. Walshe, Special Professor of Clinical Medicine, as successor to Dr. Taylor.
The reports from the principal banking towns of Germany represent money as sufficiently abundant to allow of a moderate rate of discount for good bills. Still there is a great want of confidence in trade, and shares of all kinds are approached with reluctance by capitalists. It is, however, anticipated that a revival will before long take place, since money-holders are at all times as anxious to circulate their funds as speculators can be to get hold of them. It is thought by many that mines will for some time be preferred as an object of speculation. Agents from French companies have for some time been investigating the somewhat neglected resources of the mountain districts on the Rhine; and large mining properties have in con- sequence recently changed hands. One branch of mining and of manu- facture is almost exclusively in French hands in Germany. Zinc, one of the most difficult metals to manage, is largely produced by French com- panies on the Lower Rhine, whose shares stand well in the market. The diffidence with which railroads are regarded, in spite of this and other in- dustrial movements, is a remarkable instance of the isolated view that spe-
culators take of different interests. •
Great depression is alleged in the copper trade in Birmingham. It is ascribed to the operation of the tariff of 1842, under which a duty was levied for the first time on the importation into this country of foreign cop- per ores--- "The duty was imposed avowedly by way of experiment; the President of the Board of Trade for the time being expressly stating, in his place in Parlia- ment, that the question was open to revision. Copper-smelting bad previously been carried on almost-exclusively in this country, the ore being chiefly brought from the mines of Chili. As there are no manufactures in Chili, the Chilian merchants and miners were supplied by British manufacturers, on the principle of
fair exchange of copper ore for manufactured goods; and a good trade to Bri- tish. shipping was derived therefrom. When the duty was imposed in 1842, strong remoostances were presented against the imposition,. by those engaged in the copper trade in Birmingham and elsewhere; it being their decided conviction
that the imposition of the duty on their product, at a time when almost all similar duties were being abolished, would be viewed by the Chilian Government `as a hostile and unfriendly act, which they would meet by encouraging smelting in their own and other countries,' particularly in South America and the United; States. Four years have nearly elapsed since this remonstrance was presented; , and events have proved that it was well founded. From facts that have recently • transpired, it appears that smelting of copper ore in Chili has been most ex- tensively resumed; that copper bars and pigs are now largely shipped to various parts in Europe, and sold under rates which the British merchant could sell for; that the Chills!' Government has removed the duty on foreign coals; that no-' • gonations have concluded with the United States of America, in virtue of which the best ores will be shipped for that country; that the Americans have erected 1 large smelting-works at Boston and Baltimore; and finally, that France is also being supplied on terms which preclude our competing with the founders and smelters on the Continent. Large advances having been made by British capital- ists on the security of these ores, the proprietors of the mines have just been enabled to pay them off; and now, it appears, our copper merchants have got in- timation that they will receive no more ores from Chili, and vessels that were chartered to take cargoes to England have had their charters countermanded."
The corn-market continues in much the same state as it exhibited last week; and the opinions of parties in the different interests are still conflict- ing. The next mail from America will probably set at rest the question of the supplies to be expected from that quarter. The Chelmsford Chronicle, considering that prices have reached their maximum, gives some prudent advice to the farmers—" neither to rush into the market and beat down the present price by all endeavouring to secure it, for it is probable that wheat will be at a fair quotation up to next harvest, nor, by speculating upon an improbable further rise and holding fast, countenance the idea of scarcity and encourage importation to an unneeded extent."
In Scotland, the month of October has proved so wet, that some of the, agricultural operations, particularly sowing, have been retarded. Pasture is generally very abundant, and the turnips much improved. The Edin- burgh Witness, speaking of the highland districts of the South of Scotland, makes the following general review- " Of this season generally and its results, it may be said to have been one of the best and worst combined into one. For fifty years there has not been warmer weather, better pastures, or plentier aftermath, or higher prices for sheep, horses, cattle, and dairy produce; for fifty years there has not been more grain of every variety imported from foreign countries; again, for fifty years there have not been so many and such large floods, there having leen no less than seven of them all in grand style; for fifty years there has not been less grain of the former crop on hand, farmers having sold off for fear of the effects so likely to result from the alteration of the Corn-laws; for fifty years and more there has not been so much disease among the cows, pigs, horses, and even game of all sorts; for fifty years there has been no such unusual and total failure of the potato crop, or of any kind of crop, as of this."
Never within the memory of man, says the John o'Groet Journal, has there been such a fine harvest as this year in the Orkneys.
Potatoes, which sold in the Hereford market a few weeks back at Sla a peck, were last week reduced in price to Is. 4d.
The Morning Chronicle of Tuesday contained an elaborate paper fromei correspondent on the supply of grain from America. The writer's object appears to be to prove, that although we may expect liberal supplies of corn, any hopes of unlimited quantities from across the Atlantic are vision- ar ar. On close examination, however, the paper presents traces of being reproduction of statements already put forward; and it is founded rather on argumentation than upon a knowledge of present facts.
The King of Bavaria has just issued a decree suspending for two years the payment of the arrears of taxes, in order that the taxpayers may be- able to contribute funds for the supply of bread to the poor at a cheap rate. His Majesty has also subscribed from his own purse 30,000 florins towards relieving the poor, and has ordered that corn from the Government stores. shall be supplied at a low price.
The South-western Railway Company have purchased 200,000 railway-slee from a large landed proprietor in Prince Edward's Island. Some portion of
have already been landed at the Southampton docks. The timber is a species or fir of a very heavy and durable nature. They are imported in such a shape as to be almost ready to be laid down when required.—Hants Guardian.
A correspondent has furnished us with an instance of the way in which roguish railway managers have imposed upon the unsuspecting good-nature of. General Pasley. A railway had to be inspected by the General; and accord- ingly an engine was driven forward and backward in a suspicious-looking tun- nel, till the passage was so filled with smoke and steam as to defy General Pasley's most searching glances!
It appears that in the action for damages brought by Mr. Cotton, the late Go-. vernor of the Bank, again,t the Eastern Counties Railway, for injuries sus- tained in the memorable accident on the 18th of July last, the company have allowed judgment to go by default. Under this course, the damages will sim- ply be assessed in the Sheriff's Court; and the company will escape the exposure of their negligence, which would have taken place upon the whole subject being, brought before a Jury. In proceeding for damages, Mr. Cotton characteristically stated his intention to hand over to a public charity whatever amount might be" awarded to him.—Times.
The Rhine Gazette publishes a letter from Dr. Hecke, of Brussels, in which he asserts that he has discovered the means of aerial travelling at any height that he, pleases. He states that he has solicited the appointment of an official committal:4 to examine his discovery, as he is already prepared to show that he has the means- of supporting a carriage in the air without any point d'appui.
It appears that the cheap omnibus system is no novelty in Scotland. The charge of conveyance from Edinburgh to Leith has never been more than two.., pence.
A curious robbery has been committed by an attractive young Frenchwoman, who calls herself Mademoiselle Malvina Florentine de Saumarez. Having arrived from Southampton on the 27th October, the lady put up at Mr. Howe's Railway. Hotel, near the terminus at Nine Elms. She became very intimate with the family at the hotel, and placed a bag of sovereigns in Mr. llowe's hands for safety: she also endeavoured to get him to cash a check for 991. 18.8. It became known that a cash-box, containing upwards of 1501. in gold, two double sovereigns, and a check for 991. 13s. had been stolen from the house of a shipbuilder at Fareham; and Mr. Gow, the Superintendent of the Constabulary, having obtained a clue to the delinquent, came to London, traced the thief to the Railway Hotel, identified the young lady, and took her into custody. She then made the following con- fession. A few weeks since, a gentleman brought her from Paris to England, and, after remaining with her for a few days, left her at Gosport, where she ob- tained apartments at a boarding-house. The family with whom she lodgal showed her many kindnesses; and she was introduced to their cousin, who resided at Fareham. There she remained a week on a visit; and during that time SAW the mother of her friend's consult give him fifty sovereigns from a cash-box, which was afterwards deposited between the sacking and bed of a bedstead. She pur- chased a cash-box resembling the one she had seen, and, under the pretext of a headache, requested permissioa to lie down for an hour before she departed for Gosport. She then went to the room where the cash-box was deposited, and, substituting the empty box for the full one, succeeded in leaving the house with- out exciting any suspicion. At the railway, choosing a carriage in which there was no other passenger, she broke open the box, and abstracted the contents. She said she bad felt miserable ever since, and inclined to give herself up to jus- tice. The check was found upon her, and the bag still contained 146 sovereigns.
On Saturday, the prisoner was examined before a Magistrate. At the tine she took up her abode at Southampton, she represented herself as a niece of Lady de Saumarcz. She was now committed for trial at the General Quarter-Sessions; and was removed from the court exclaiming, " Don't let the world know I am a De Sauniarez ! "
The remains of Miss Harriet Churchill, of Manor Place, South Chelsea, niece of the poet, and the last member of his family, were on Tuesday deposited in the family vault in St. Margaret's Church, Westminster.
Results of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last—
Number of Autumn Annual deaths. average. average.
Zymotle (or Epidemic, Endemic, and Contagious) Diseases 167 ... 206 ... 188 Dropsy, Cancer,and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat 103 • • • 104 ... 104 Diseases of the Brain, Spinal Marrow, Nerves, and Senses 138 • • • 151 ... 137 Diseases of the Lungs, and of the other Organs of Respiration 303 • • • 313 ... 291 Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels 36 . • • 29 ... 27 Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion 74 • • • 70 72 Diseases of the Kidneys, &c
Childbirth, diseases of the Uterus, Ac 19 • • • 11 ... 10 Rheumatism, diseases of the Bones. Joints, &c 13 • • •
Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Tissue, &c
• • •
Old Age 39 • • • 66 ... 67 Violence, Privation, Cold, and Intemperance 31 • • • 27 ... 28 Total (including unspecified causes) 944 ... 1,000 ... 968
The temperature of the thermometer ranged from 61.4° in the sun to 37.2° in the shade; the mean temperature by day being wanner than the average mean temperature by 3.2°. The mean direction of the wind for the week was South- south-east, but during a large portion of the week it was nearly calm.
BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week r ding on Saturday the 7th day of Nov. 1518. burnt DSPAITILENT.
notes issued E28,233,883 Government Debt ...... £11,616,100
Other Securities Leal .900
Gold Coln and Bullion 11,724,111
Silver Bullion 2,611,774
Government Securities (in-
3,468052 eluding Dead WeightAimultylE12,808,1111 Public Deposits'
Other Securities 12.153.009 Other Deposits 8.281 hit Notes 7.264,620 seven Day and other Bills .... 1,018,610 Gold and Silver Clan 524,621
• laeludlogEzehequer, Sayings Banks•Commlaslonersof NatkinalDeMik Dividend Accounts.