The new French Ministers seem determined to act rigorously against
the press. On Sunday, the National was seized at the post and its own office, for an article on the administration ot' the Army, which will be submitted to the consideration of a Jury. The National says, it has no doubt that a Jury will, as it did before, sanction by its verdict the legitimate freedom of discussion, and give to it an opportunity of prov- ing the existence of a system of favouritism in the War department, and the injustice which was committed against the army at large by the or- dinance commanding the formation of new regiments of the line.
N. Humann, Minister of Finance, we are told, has drawn up from observation, the financial account of the Ministry of the 1st of March, and discovered, it appears, the enormous sum of 664,000,000 francs beyond the calculations of the budget, partly in extraordinary credits granted by ordinances, and partly in the engagements entered into by contract. It will be necessary, indeed, to make great savings in the ordinary expenses, according to the desire expressed in the speech front the Crown, in order to cover the extraordinary expenses of M. 'fliers. It appears that us soon as the bureau is definitively constituted, and even before the debate upon the 'address, the Moister of Finances will lay before the Chamber a picture of these prodigalities, which contrasts in a most striking manner with the general distress and the pacific ten- dencies of the new Cabinet.— Gazette de France, Saturday, Nov. 7.
Several extensive changes in the internal administration of the French War Office Loire just been made by Marshal Souk. Their object is to simplify the ie.rvice, but they impose much personal labour on the Min istt r him sel
Letters from Paris of the 0th instant locution the birth of another son to the Duke of Orleans: the infant has received the title of' Duke of Chartres.
Queen Christina of Spain arrived in Paris on the 9th.
The No/eau/states that Duke Charles of Brunswick is about to prose- cute 31. Gisquet tim a libel contained in his meinoirs.
The A u!,..,burg 1,),:uing Gazette reports that the Cabinet of Vienna has obtain Ii fmeeal promise front King Louis Philippe that the de- tention of P ,n Cashes skill shortly cease, amid that his Royal 1 fighness will be alliestli to It th,.! French territory for Germany. In this case, it adds, the Prince is expected to return to Salzburg.
The Fre:;elt hairs Contain lows and fearful accounts of inundations in
the North of' FraelfT, have ''done immense damage. A telegraphic despatch feom Mmaailles of the 4th, makes known that the Rhone had broken through its to nks, and covered GI r,ta io acres in the arrondissement of Arles with it iv:0(1.s, causing loses estimated at several millions of francs. The Marseilles mails, which ma lit to have t.•rrived in Paris on Tuesday and ‘,Vedaesday, did not reach the till between three and four o'cloek on Saturday afternoon. They were unable to get in t() Avignon, a Ida e ti- ; eompletely Mundated on the 81st ; and after losing a consider.:ble time ;It 'Fain and Valence!, were only ;dile to make their way through the by rinds, At Lyons, on the 4th instant, the Soule was pouring in, waters through the streets. Four bridges had been swept away, and the streets were choked up with the ritios of the houses that had been thrown 1111Y•M itpWardSi of' five hundred houses had fallen, some of' them Pow and five stories high. A letter from Lyons of the 4th says—" There is a general desolation ; numbers are reduced to the uttermost misery, being left without bread, or the means of' earning any, at the very commencement of the winter. The waters have begun to retire te day ; but a new scourge has come to visit those whose houses
remain standing, though flooded. Thieves are so numerous that all those of the neighbouring towns must have made this their rendezvous, in order to take advantage of the general confusion. During the whole of last night musket-shots were heard : they were fired against the marauders, who, making use of boats, were attacking houses surrounded by the water." The inhabitants of the inundated houses mostly escaped by rafts, which were floated through the streets for that purpose. Through the whole course of the Rhone similar inundations had taken place. The loss of lives has been great, but no estimate of the numbers is given. Letters from Lyonseaf the 7th state that the waters had sub- sided considerably ; but the Soane continued to rush through the streets, and three-fourths of the city were then under water.
Elizabide, the murderer, was executed at Bordeaux on the 3d instant.