13 MAY 1943, Page 13


Sna,--When Prebendary Wilson Carlile, C.H., D.D., founder and honorary chief secretary of the Church Army, died in September last there was a world-wide and spontaneous tribute paid to his life's work by peopleeof all classes and creeds. The Archbishop of Canterbury epitomised his career when he said that " Wilson Carlile was one who has done more than anyone in the last two generations to bring the Gospel of Christ in living force to bear upon the people of this land."

The time has now come when a large and powerful body of Wilson Carlile's friends and admirers have decided to form an Appeal Council to raise a fund to found a memorial which will be permanent in character and in line with his known wishes. It is hoped to establish an up-to-date training college for men and women Church Army workers. The old, most inadequate premisas have been damaged by enemy action, and it- would be waste of money to attempt to repair them. The keystone of the Church Army's success in the past has been the sincerity of the religious faith of the workers, reinforced by adequate training in the social field. Who can doubt that in the post-war world the need will be greater than ever for the work which the Church Army can do amongst the less fortunate of us?

Any gift, however small, will entitle the giver to become a partner in the vital work of bringing the Church to the people rather than waiting for the people to come to the Church. Donations should be sent to the Treasurer, Appeal Committee, Church Army, 55 Bryanston Street, W. I. —We are, Sir, yours faithfully,

DAVIDSON, Chairman, Appeal Council ; DARYNGTON, President of the Church Army ; HUBERT H. TREACHER, General Secretary and Head.

c. Bryanston Street, Marble Arch, London, W. i.