The will of the late Mr. Wood of Gloucester, it
is said, has been proved, and the personality sworn to be under 9XX1,000/. ; but this, of course, is independent of the value of the real estate.
A Coroner's inquest was held at Liverpool on Saturday, on the body of Grace Avery, cook in the service of Mr. Jones of Rodney Street, who was killed that morning, by William Puffin, formerly a lace-maker at Nottingbain. Tice murderer shot her with a pistol in her muster's kitchen, in the presence of his own daughter, who was also in service in the same family. He had persecuted the deceased with his addresses, and had followed her to different towns to which she had gone to be out of the way of his importunities. After Puffin had fired the pistol, lie attempted to destroy himself by swallowing prussic acid ; but it was not sufficiently strong to have a fatal effect. lie was apprehended and taken to the Infirmary ; where he made a second attempt on his life, by hanging himself; but he was cut down before life was extinct. The Jury returned a verdict of " Wilful Murder" against Duffin : he exhibited symptoms of mental derangement during the examination.