Railway Wages The National Wages Board in the railway industry
decided last week after full inquiry that wages must be cut down. All earnings are to suffer a reduction of per cent., with a further reduction of 2ik per cent. on the amount by which earnings exceed 40s. a week. Men whose base rates are below 41s. will retain these rates in any case, and no deduction is to exceed 6s. Overtime, night and Sunday rates are reduced. For all men save those who work trains or signals the eight hours of work may have to be spread over a twelve-hour day. The companies' full claims were not made out, and the unions' demand fora minimum weekly wage of £8 was rejected. The award has yet to be ratified by the companies and the unions, but the union leaders for their part have indicated their willingness to accept it in preference to a strike. It is unfortunate that the loyal and efficient army of railwaymen should have to suffer in this way, as most of them are not highly paid, but the heavy losses sustained by the companies have made reductions a hard necessity.