14 JUNE 1957, Page 6

The Public Interest

'The lion. Gentleman can be assured that the Secretary of State of the day only acts in this way when he realises that the public interest necessitates such action.'—Mr. R. A. Butler answering a question about telephone tapping.

All thinking men know why we've sought Security : and for the rest It's really time that they are taught What's in the public interest.

Informers? No. In time of strife Put loyalty to the acid test.

Set child on parents, man 02 wife— It's in the public interest.

Be nice to Hitlers. Listen to The Nevile Hendersons' request, For really, what's a Jew or two Besides the public interest?

A modern traveller (Belloc found) Soon sees that torture pays off best. It quickly brings the traitors round; It's in the public interest.

We need to catch our guilty men, So finger-printing, we suggest, Should be compulsory at ten; It's in the public interest.

Let crackpots rave; we all know them And when we make our next arrest, The quietest time is 4 a.m.

It's in the public interest.

We'll sterilise the old, unfit, Carve up the brains of the depressed, Their relatives won't mind a bit; It's in the public interest.

Don't answer those who rock the boat —Who of atrocities protest— But if you must, then simply quote, It's in the public interest.