14 JUNE 1930, Page 26

The great Scipio who conquered Hannibal had long awaited an

English biographer until Captain Liddell Hart, two or three years ago, eulogized him in the brilliant study entitled A Greater than Napoleon. There now appears an elaborate monograph by Mr. H. H. Scullard on-Scipio Africanus in the Second Punic TVar (Cambridge University Press, 12s. 6d.), which discusses the available evidence and the opposing views of various Continental scholars on Scipio's campaigns in Spain and North Africa. It is a good piece of historical research, which gained the _Thirlwall prize last year. The author, in a concluding.estimate of Scipio, seems to agree with Captain Liddell Hart in ranking him very high indeed. He institutes an interesting comparison between Scipio and the -late Lord Curzon of Kedleston, who was " outwardly superior " but in truth very emotional and sensitive. " Both spent the last years of their lives in the bitterness of a virtual exile," but did_ not complain.