14 JULY 1923, Page 2

At long last the Lausanne Conference between the Allies and

the Turks came to an agreement early on Monday morning, and the Treaty of Peace may perhaps be signed next week. The Conference had sat for 157 days and might, apparently, have continued to sit for as many more had not the Allies virtually waived the remaining points in dispute. They dropped the clause reaffirming the Tight of the bondholders to be paid interest in sterling, and left the question to be decided by negotiation _hereafter. They agreed that disputes about pre-War concessions should be referred to arbitration. They consented to evacuate Constanti- nople within six weeks after the _ratification of the Treaty by the Turks. They promised to restore to Turkey the wreck of the Goeben,' the few battered Turkish destroyers, and the remainder of the munitions found in Turkey at the Armistice.