14 JULY 1900, Page 1

It is impossible, in face of the cool d4mentis now

being published, to be sure of details as to the negotiations with Japan, but we fancy the following will not be found far from the truth. The Admirals asked Japan to send a heavy force, and Japan, remembering former experience, asked in reply if this were the desire of all the Powers. The British answered in the affirmative, but Russia was reluctant, and Germany and France followed her. The reluctance was removed by British intervention, and Japan joins in the enterprise with a large force, but under the distinct under- standing that she will claim no "privileged position." We have endeavoured to explain elsewhere the reasons which justify caution in employing Japan, reasons which, we per. ceive, appeal as strongly to Mr. Freeman Mitford, who, of all men, understands Japanese policy, as to ourselves. Once give Japan foothold on the continent of Asia, he says, and you will have given reality to the " Yellow Peril," and " have conjured into existence a disturbing force that may alter the map of Asia, if not of the world."