14 JULY 1838, Page 8


Active preparations were made by the Orangemen of the North of Ireldnd fur a grand display urn the 12th instant.

Mr. Alexander Galloway, of the Common Council, was, it seems, looking for the representation of Cashel when the arrangement was made by the Liberal panty in that city, by which the return of Dr. Stock was secured.—Globe.

According to the best information to be obtained in the City,. nothing is done, or is likely to he done, in this session, towards the renewal of the charter of the Bank of Ireland. It is understood that the delegates from the other Joint Stock Banks in Dublin, who have been sent to London to oppose that measure, have received an assu- rance to that effect, or something tantamount to it, from Me. Spring Rice. They have at the same time been told, it is said, that the Minister has not yet seen any cause to change his intention to grant them a charter with something like the same privileges, extending over a circle of five miles round Dublin—Times.