The Times has published this week two or three paragraphs
on a subject a good deal more important than most political questions. It appears that there are people in England,—notably Messrs. James Gordon and Co., of 11 Orange court, Liverpool, and the South American Beef Company, 113 Cheapside,—who offer good beef without bone at 3d. per pound. The beef is jerked beef, strips cut from the best parts of South American oxen, and dried in the sun. It wants three hours' steeping, but when that is done it is just as good beef as if just purchased off a stall, and a great deal better than the carrion sold by a good many persons in Lon- don under the name of cheap beef. Nobody can tell the blessing cheap and good meat would be to the people, who seem likely, at present prices, to be compelled to abandon it altogether ; but the Company should either sell it in smaller parcels, or say who does. Poor folk do not want and cannot buy 112 lbs. at a time. If the price can be kept at that figure and the supply is unlimited, jerked beef would change the average weight of the population of England.