The generally pacific character of the 'speech of the King of the French pro- duced a favourable effect upon the prices of the English Securities, and Consols for Money and Account have during the week been done as high as 94a. The market, however, gave way yesterday afternoon, in consequence of an extensive speculative sale, made, it is stated, in consequence of the misunderstanding be- tween the French and Spanish Governments; and the price has been today per cent lower than on Saturday last, thus falling back more than the whole of the late advance ; the closing price being 94a rq. The public have invested largely during the week, and the issue of money in payment of the Dividends has caused so great a surplus of capital, that the current rate of commercial dis- count is barely 2 per cent. The quotations of the Three-and-a-half per Cent Stocks have been well supported, until yesterday, when they gave way., and the present prices mark a decline of r per Cent from the highest quotations. The remaining instalment upon the Canada Debentures was paid on Monday last, other securities are consequently no longer quoted in the form of Scrip, but as Stock, and have been done as high as 112, equivalent to 4 premium. Many influential capitalists were unwilling to bid for this Stock, from a fear that it would not be of ready sale; but the fallacy of such a notion has been demonstrated by the almost daily occurrence of bargains in this security, which is bought and sold as readily as the Three-and-a-half per Cent. Stocks. Both India and Bank Stock have been quoted about 1 per cent below the prices of last week, but no transactions of importance have occurred in either. The premium upon Exchequer Bills experienced an improvement of 6s.: they were at one time as high as 66s. but bad fallen today to 61s. The business of the Foreign Market has not been on so extensive a scale as last week. Portuguese Converted Stock has been in demand, and the price reached 37. It has since fluctuated between that price and 36, and closes this afternoon at 36. Spanish Stock recovered the depression of last week ; the Three per Cents having been at 241, and the Five per Cents at 19i : a sudden decline, however, occurred on Wednesday, when intelligence was received of the dissolution of the Cortes, and both kinds fell about per cent : the price has since been tolerably steady, but the market gave way this afternoon ; the Three per Cents having fallen to 23a, and the Five per Cents to 18i, and the closing prices may be quoted at 23A for the Three per Cents, and 18t a for the Five per Cents. Mexican Bonds have been steady, and Colombian are without any variation or business of importance. Brazilian Bonds are also rather firmer. A meeting has been held this week of the holders of the Bonds of GOLDSMID'S Portuguese Loan, at which the terms proposed by the Govern- ment were rejected by a nearly unanimous vote; the only dissentients being Mr. RICHARD THORNTON and his nephew Mr. THOMAS Tuourrros. Mean- while, the Stock continues to improve in price; and, after being at 75, it has been done both today and yesterday at 71. We cannot notice any transac- tions of importance in the Northern European Bonds; which bare, as usual, fluctuated in accordance with the English Funds.
The business in Railway Shares has not been extensive, but prices have been generally maintained.
The English Funds have during the morning been at an improvement of it per cent upon the closing price of yesterday, Consols for Money having been done at 94a; the price has since given way again, and is now 94i A. This de- cline has not been produced by any large operation, but by the simultaneous occurrence of many small sales occasioned by the near approach of the settling- day, which induces many of the minor speculators to close their operations. In the absence of the French mail of Thursday, which has not yet arrived, the business of the Foreign Market has been very unimportant. Spanish Stock was at one period at a slight advance upon yesterday's prices ; but the market has given way to the whole extent of the improvement, from sympathy with the English Funds. The others are without variation. The transactions in Railway Shares have as yet been confined to one bar- gain in Great Western, at 89i. We have also to notice one in the Shares of the Union Bank of Australia, at 31f.
feartiaaws Fours o'CLoca.
' i The English Funds were quoted in the course of the afternoon at an advance
• of* per cent upon the morning's prices, but have given way again, and close at previous quotations. The French mail has not yet arrived. The business of the afternoon has been entirely confined to the arrangements necessary for the settlement of the Cousol Account on Tuesday. next ; and as the settlers have predominated, prices have fallen back as already remarked. Exchequer mills are the same.
The Foreign Market has been almost in a state of inactivity. Spanish Stock was at one period heavy at the quotations given in the morning; but the market has rallied again, and closes as follows : 23* a for the Three per Cents, and 18* a for the Five per Cents. The other Foreign Bonds are unchanged.
We have to notice the following transactions in Shares : Mines—Rhymney Iron, 8 ; Santiago de Cuba, 25* : Banks—British North American,36* ; London Joint Stock, 131 : London and Westminster, 21* a; Australasian, 531; ditto Union, New, 311: Railways—Great Western, 90; ditto Half Shares, 63*; Brighton, 361; ditto Scrip, IN; South-western, 6212 4 63; South-eastern and Dover, 221; ditto Scrip, 17i, 3 per Cent Consols 941 1 Colombian 6 per Cents 23 4
Ditto for Account 841 * Danish 3 per Cents 84 5 3 per Ceut Reduced 943 6 Dutch 21 per Cents 511 28 31 per Cent Ditto 1013 2 Mexican 5 per Cents Consd . 311 21
New 34 per Cents ... 1003 101 Portuguese Regency 5 per Cts -
Bank Stock 1721 Ditto New 5 per Cents 1841. 351 6* Exchequer Bills 21d. ....prem 60 62 Ditto 3 per Cent s Ditto 2d prem 60 62 Russian 5 per Cents 112 114 India Stock 262 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 181 I Bratilian 5 per Cents 72 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 23 I Belgian 5 per Cents 102