The Nandi, from Bengal to Liverpool, put back previous to the 4th September totally dismasted.
Arrived—Off Margate, Ian. 12th, Lord Eldon, Dawson, from Bengal. Lord Melville, Brown, from ditto. Red Rover, Christie, from Madras; and Helen gar, Sinclair, from Singapore. Off Dover, 12th, Warblington, Crosby, from Mauritius. At Deal, 13th, William, Young, from Bengal; and Thomas Laurie, Langdon, for Van Diemen's Land. At Cowes, 12th, Albion, Sutherland, from Batavia. At Bristol, 11th, Eliza, Watt, from Mauritius. At Liverpool, 11th, Gipsy, Ilighat, from Bombay ; and Joseph Winter, Richardson, from Bengal. At St. Helena, Nov. 27: Mary and Jane. Winter, from the Cape; and 29th, Lisbon Packet, Wilson, from ditto. At the Cape, Oct. 29th, Africa. Skelton; Nov. 1st, Zenobia. Owen; 5th, Warrior, Stone ; . and 9th, Egyptian, Lilhurn, all from London. 13th, Elizabeth and Jane, Rickman, from Bombay; and Indian, Bavenseroft, from Liveipopl. At Bombay, Sept. 26th, Minerva, Metcalf, from Liver- pool. 27th, Vesper, Brown; Lady Amherst, lucks; Lonach, Drisim11; and Royal George, Wilson, all from London; and Neptune. Wittleson, from the-Clyde. At Ma- dras, Aug. 22nd, Madras, Beach, froM London. 28th, Baretto Jun. Thomas, from Cal- cutta. Sept. 10th, Providence, O'Brien, from London; and Sir Thomas Munro, from ditto; and Betsy, Barclay, from Leith. At Bengal, Sept: 1st, Cmsar, Watt, from Lon- don. At Batavia, Aug. 22nd, Columbia, Booth, from Clyde. At China, the II. C. Ships, Buckinghamshire, Glasspool: Duke of York, Locke: and Inglis, Dudman : all from London. Sailed—From Gravesend, Jan. 8th, Eclipse, Davis, for the Cape; 9th, Burrell, Met- ealE for New South Wales; 12th, Henry, Bunny, fofditto. From Portsmouth, ;di, IL-Nt. S. Caracc. o, a, for India. From Liverpool, 7th, Samuel Brown, Badding, for Zonal. FroM the CIY€147313., Fortune, Crawfott for Bombay.
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