The examination of Candidates for the degree of Bachelors of
Arts commenced yester- day minting. The following is an alphabetical list of the first four classes. First Cl«ss—Bromby, Suit.; Cookson, Pet.; Cotterill, Joh.; Hamilton, 'Prin.; Heath Trim; Laing, Job.; Miley, Caine; Russell, Coins; Webster, Trin.; West, Trin. Scow! Class—Bridgman, Pet.; Francis, Jolt.; Fysh, Qu.; Howtrey, Trim; Hodgson, Sid.; Lloyd, Emm.; Mandell, Cath.; Power, Clare; Riley,. Job.; Rowland, Qu..; Shorting, Pet.; Simla, Chr.; Simpson, Sid. Third Class—Bland, Trin.; Braide, Jolt.; Browne, Emm.; Chapman, Jes.; Considine, Job.; Cotesworth, Pet.; Daniel, Job.; Ellis, Trio.; Evans, Caius; Eyres, Coins; For-
ster, Cath.; Golding, Qu.; Grant, Qu.; Grove, Pernh.; Longmire, Pet.; Maddison, Jesus; Martin, Qtr.; Milne, Joh.; Nind, Pet.; Porter, Coins; Potts, Trin.; Ray, Pet.; Skally, Chr.; West, Pet.; Williams, Trin.
Fourth Class—Adams, Coins; Alford, Trin.; Allen, Trin.; Bateman, Trin.; Beadon, Jolt.; Bell, C. C.; Borton, Cobs; Bowstead, Jolt.; Broadhurst, Mag.; Brown, Ma".;
Cartmin, Trin.; Chapman, Trin.; Chapman, C. C.; Christie, Trin.; Clarke, Cottom, Cath.; Crawford, Calms; Davidson, Chr.; Dickinson, Trin.; Dobson, Trin.; Elden, Tr. II.; Edwards, Pet.; Fenn, Qtr.; Fitzherbert, Qu.; 3allichan, Job.; George, Job.; Gibbs, Qu.; Hailstone, Trio.; Haines, Califs; Harrison, Cath. ; Hayworth,Qn.; Hoare, Trin.; Holmes, Emm.; Hurnard, CC.; Hurst, Pemb.: Lloyd, Magd.: Ludlam, Pet.; Lushington, Trin.; Martin, Job.; Morrison, Trin.; Paining, Joh.; Pinckney,
Trin.; Purvis, Pet.; Radcliff, Job.; Read, Magd.; Richardson, Trim; Scott, Trin.; Shadwell, Jolt.; Shilleto, Trim; Skirrow. Trim; Spencer, Chr.: Taylor, Caius: Taylor, Cath.: Thompson, Trin: Thompson, Chr.: Tottenham, Trin.: Epcher, Trim: Vona- ides, Jes.: Watson, Joh.: Wentworth, Trin.: Wilkinson, Chr.; Wills, Qu.: Wray, Joh.: Wright, Joh. F. Hilyard, Esq., M.A., of Trinity College, has been appointed Fellow and Tutor of Trinity Hall, in the room of the Rev. W. Hildyard.