14 FEBRUARY 1846, Page 12



The purchases of the Chancery-broker have not been of so extensive a charac- ter as last week. The various motions made in the Court of Chancery for the investment of certain portions of the Railway deposits, induced a belief that the purchases would be continued; but the amount invested in Stock has been trifling, the principal part having been laid out in Exchequer Bills. The fluctuation in the English Funds has been about 1 per cent; the closing quotation of the after- noon being within from to per cent of the highest point. The price of Ex- chequer Bills has been well supported at our last week's quotations; the clo- sing price today being 408. premium. A report has been prevalent that the Directors of the Bank of England had determined to allow interest at the rate of 2 per cent per annum upon the Railway deposits: we believe, however, that no such intention exists, and that the depositors have no choice but either to invest in the Funds or allow their money to remain unproductive in the hands of the Accountant-General. Money continues in demand : the rate of discount, from 3fr to 5 per cent. In the Stock Exchange, the appearance of plenty to which we re- cently alluded has quite vanished, and the interest for loans has reached 7, 8, and 10 per cent.

The business of the Foreign Funds has not been extensive. Some transactions have occurred in New Grenada Stock; and an improvement of rather more than 2 per cent has been the consequence of a demand for Holland. The last political sews from Mexico, though not of a tranquil character, has produced little effect upon the price of the Bonds; its depressing tendency having been counteracted by the remittance received at the same time on account of the dividends: prices are therefore without material change. The same remark will apply to almost every Foreign Stock; the business transacted having been almost entirely con- fined to a few cash transactions, and nothing like speculation being on foot.

The Railway Share Market has been nearly in the same quiescent state. Some activity hasbeen observable at the first commencement of business in the morning, when the brokers are on the alert to execute the commissions of their country correspondents; but this state has never been of long duration, and nothing like a general revival of business has occurred. Till this week the transactions were almost entirely in the older descriptions of Shares; but a slight inquiry has occur- red for some of the Scrip, particularly those of the Irish lines. 'The momentary impulse given to the various markets has not, however, continued; and though some of this class bad risen, the prices have generally fallen back to within a little of those of last week.

The business in the Foreign Shares has been insignificant; but prices are, if anything, rather firmer.

The business of the morning has hitherto been unimportant; and both the English and Foreign Funds are without material variation from yesterday's quo- tahons. The Railway Shares are also without any change; and we can as yet only notice the occurrence of the following bargains: Bristol and Exeter, 90; Great Western, 87; Ditto, Fifth Shares, 34; Direct Northern, 2/1; Midland, 152.

3 per Cent Consols ....

Ditto for Account . 961 1 961 97 Columbian ex Venezuela...

Danish 3 per Cents 1.1/ 181 88 90 3 per Cent Reduced 971 I Dutch 24 per Cents 60 I 31 per Cents 99 1 Ditto 4 per Cents 95 I Long Annuities 101 11-16

Mexican 5 per Cents

304 1 Bank Stock 208 9 Ditto Deterred 161 17 Exchequer Bills prem. 37 40 Portuguese New 5 p. Cts. 1841 59 61 India Stock 260 2 Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 .... 59 61 Brazilian 5 per Cents 82 8 Russian 5 per Cents 113 115 Belgian 44 per Cents 97 9 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 274 8

claliso f per Coal 98 190 Ditto 3 Coats 1848

ash 9