14 DECEMBER 1839, Page 10



The hem which Messrs. Reernscumn have engaged to raise for the United States Batik is rot to the extent of 1,0E0,0001., .as we last week stated, but only to that of 900,0004 : and the conditions are, that it be taken at 64, with a eonenissim of 2 per cent., making the price ; that the debentures hear inte- rest at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum, to commence from the 1st October last ; and that it be redeemable at par on the lot January 1842 ; an instalment of 20 per cent to be paid upon subscribing, and the remainder on the 6th da- mn-try next. The interest thus afforded upon the capital employed is at the rate of 1111 per cent, per annum. The Bank of the II nited States, as collateral security, have deposited in the hands of Alessrs. Rotruseumn's, in equal pre. portion's, bonds of the States of New York, Mississippi, and Pennsslvania, to the nominal amount of the proposed loan. The success of this arrangement has Caused Rim improvement in the shares of the Bank, which after having keen at 15/., have improved to 19/. The decline of the exchanges on Tuesday, coupled with an export of 800,000 ounces of silver to Hamburg, produced a 611 in Consols, and the price flir Account was as low as 914; but the market is firmer to-day, and the quotation has readied 92. Bank Stock has been quottd at 178 for Money, and I din Stork at 254 for Account. India Bonds hare been done at 6 and 8 din.; and Exchequer Bills, after being at Is. dis. are to- day at .1s. to 2s. dis. In the Foreign Market, the interest has been in a great degree coneentratsd upon Columbian Bonds. During flue week, propositions have been ma,le by the agents of the three States into which the Republic of Columbia was divided—New Grenada, Venezuela, and Ecuador—for a new arrangement ef the debt due from each respectively, in the proportion of 50, 28, and 21.,1 100. The capital debt is 6,625,950/., increased by arrears of interest to 11,692,969/. The agents of New Grenada proposed to cancel the old Bonds for which their State is liable, by an issue of fresh ones bearing interest at 2 per cent. ; also to issue other bonds of a like amount, not to bear interest, but to be received in payment of public lands. Venezuela offered to issue new debentures bearing interest at 2 per cent., payable in advance, provided the existing bonds were given up, not otherwise. Ecuador proposed to pay 50,000 dollars a year for the years 1840 and 1841 ; for 1842 and 1843, 100,000 dollars ; and for 1844, 142,458 dollars, amounting altogether to 6 per cent. on their capital debt. The first effect of the communication, on Monday, was to produce an improvement in the price of the Stock ; it being supposed that the 'Venezuelan Government intended to pay 2 per cent. upon the whole amount of the present Bonds, instead of upon its own proportion of them ; but the real character ot' the notice was soon upparent, and the Bonds, which had been at 31, fell to 251j : on the following day the decline continued to 24; from which point a reaction occurred; and upon the promulgation of the notices from New Grenada and Ecuador, yesterday afternoon, the price improved to 27, to decline again to- day, to 25.

A meeting of the Bondholders has been held to-day, to take into considera- tion the various propositions; Find the prevailing sentiment appeared to he, that each of' the Governments is in a condition to pay much more than is proposed; many of the gentlemen present stating their personal experience of the great improvement in the resources of the States during the last few years. The unanimous resolution of the meeting was to reject the propositions. The other Foreign Funds, with the exception of Spanish Bonds, have not been subject to much fluctuation. Mexican declined to 274, but rallied again to 28. Brazilian are also firmer ; letters having been received from Rio Ja- neiro to the 12th of October, giving intelligence of an improvement of epee' cent, in the price of the local Stock, and of lid. in the rate of exchange. The delay of the usual communication from Lisbon by the non-arrival of the mail, had paralyzed speculation in the 13onds. Intelligence to the 3d Decem- ber was received yesterday ; but as the only fact communicated was the dis- missal of the Ministry, which had been anticipated by the tenour of the last arrivals, no material variation had occurred.

The Spanish Stock market has been very heavy, and on Monday the Bonds declined to 23; but rallied to 2.1 on the following day, upon a report that 31. TRIERS was about to join the present French Administration. When this rumour was discredited, the price declined to 23k, and has since fluctuated be- tween that price and 244.


Very little business has been doing this morning, and prices generally are the same as yesterday. By the Oppossum packet arrived at Falmouth, we have advices from Rio Janeiro to 20th October : the intellieenee is of a favour- able character ; there is no quotation of the price of the focal Stock, but the exchange is 33d., being a decline of Id. upon that brought by the last arrival. By the Express packet, also arrived at Falmouth, we have intelligence limn Vera Cruz to 8th October, from Tampico to 30th October, and Bavannah to the 0th November. She brings 426,000 dollars : the amonut of specie would doubtless have been higher, but 200,000 dollars had recently been carried off by a French ship of war, as the last instalment upon the French claims upon the Republic ; 400,000 dollars had also been shipped for New York, on account of the United States Bank. The usual statement of the Liabilities and Assets of the Bank of England has appeared this inor:ling: as compared with the last monthly account, it exhibits an increase of :142,000/, in the amount of bullion ; there is a decrease of 497,000/. hi the eireeletieo, of 180,000/. in the deposits, and of 1,109,000/. in the amount of the securitiee. sareanav, roue 0.t askew.

Very little business has occurred in the course of the afternoon. The markets of most of the current descriptions of Stock are, however, firmer than in the morning. There has been only one quotation of the price for Censols for Account in the official list, and that is 92. Exchequer Bills are 4 2 and India Bonds 6 this. Columbian have improved slightly, and close at 25 to A. Spanish Stock is 23ifi 4, and Portuguese Five per Cents. 3:4 buyers. The other Foreign Bonds close at the morning's prices.

Spanish (Active) 23f 0