14 AUGUST 1953, Page 18

Poetry Competition

SIR,—Perhaps readers of the Spectator may be interested to hear of the Poetry Competition now being organised by Varsity, the Cambridge Undergraduate newspaper, which is to be judged by Mr. C. Day Lewis, the distinguished poet.

The details of the competition are as follows. The competition is open to Undergraduates of any University, or to anyone under twenty-five years of age. Not more than five poems may be sub- mitted by each competitor, and the maximum length of each poem is restricted to fifty lines. There is no limitation to either subject matter or form. Prizes of five guineas, three guineas and one guinea respectively will be awarded for the best three poems.

All entries should be marked "Poetry Competition" and sent to 4 St. Edward's Passage, Cambridge. No manuscripts can be returned unless a stamped and addressed envelope is included.

The closing date of the competition is September 15th.—Yours