SIR,—Although yon have closed the discussion in your columns on Theosophy and Buddhism, I yet trust you will permit me to correct a statement by Mr. Sinnett, in your impression of August 7th, regarding myself. He says :—" No one can say except Dr. Wyld himself why he resigned his place in the Theo- sophical Society, but he hardly throws as much light as he- might cast on that matter, in omitting to state that he resigned the Presidentship of the London branch at the urgent solicitation of the Council."
This statement is quite incorrect. No pressure was put oa me either from India or London. I resigned my Presidentship• because I believed the leaders of the Society had, in my opinion, ceased to be Theosophists, and become propagandists of Atheistic Buddhism ; and when I resigned, the London Council met to• receive my resignation, and unanimously passed a resolution, thanking me for my past services, and sincerely regretting that I should feel, from conscientious motives, compelled to resign