14 AUGUST 1830, Page 7

TuE Ducituss or Km. - Her Royal Highness, accompanied by the Princess

Victoria, paid a visit on Weduesday last week to the busy town of Birmingham. The party was received at the Royal Hotel by a deputation of the inhabitants, appointed by a meeting held for the pur- pose, and beaded by the High Bailiff ; thousands of the people had as- sembled round the entrance of the hotel, for the purpose of doing honour to the visiters ; and a number of ladies and gentlemen were ranged OR each side of the passage of the inn through which the Duchess and her suite had to pass to the apartments prepared for them. Next morning, the Duchess, accompanied by the deputation, visited the Union rolling- mills ; they then inspected Hammond and Sons' button-manufactory, the japanning establishment of Messrs. Jennings and Bettridge, and the splendid show-rooms of Mr. Thomason. After inspecting the various processes at this establishment, a silken cord by which the balancier iii the medal department was tied, was put into the Duchess's hand, an& on pulling which, a handsome silver medal engraved for the occasion of the visit was struck. It bore on the obverse the head of the King, and. On the reverse the words "Commemorative of the visit of their Royal Highnesses the Duchess of Kent and Princess Victoria to the manufac- tories at Birmingham, Aug. 5, 1830." The cord was then placed in the hands of the Princess. and another medal with the same reverse and a head of the Queen was produced. The medals were presented to their Highnesses, and very graciously accepted. The Royal party afterwards visited the glass manufactory of Messrs. Bacchus, and the nail-manufac- tory of Messrs. Itancorne and Co:, On rridat they visited the Society - of Arts, where the Duchess and Pi itiCips.: e!TO.ied 'their names as Lady Patro....,..,,s a the society : they went afterwards to the newsrooniand to the show-rooms of Messrs. Rollason and Son : their Highnesses then, after expressing themselstee highly gratified by,Aeir visit and kind re. ceptioost Ilirmiugham, took leave, in order to Visit the Soho works at , Haridsworth. . WARDROBE OF GEORGE THE POURTIL■.-The wardrobe of the late . Singles been on sale for the last week, at the ware-rooms of the King's cabinetmaker, in Mount Street ; and, although it has not been deemed decorous to make the display of royal garments as common as other ex- hibitions, yet the notoriety has been sufficient to attract a considerable number of the admirers of such gear. We are credibly informed that the present King was kind enough to present it to three of the pages of the late monarch, and when our readers are told that it required three wag- gons to transport it from Windsor to London, they will not be much surprised to hear that the value of the gift is estimated at not much less than fifteen thousand pounds.—Athenceum.

THE DUKE or Wer.LINGTON.—The Premier left town on Tuesday, for Weimer Castle. The Liverpool Times says that his Grace " will arrive at Heaton Park, the seat of Lord Wilton, on the 12th of Septem- ber, and on the 13th at the Marquis or Salisbury's seat, at Childwall. His Grace will afterwards hold himself at the service of the Directors of the Liverpool and Manchester Rail-road Company. The Directors, after the ceremony of opening the rail-road, still entertain the Duke of Wel- lington at a public dinner.

Knee Wxaa IAM'S Mem cm. SKILL.—When the present King, then Duke of Clarence, was serving as Admiral of the Fleet, in 1814, he con- descended to visit the Naval Hospital at Deal more than once, making particular inquiries into every seaman's case. On one of these occasions his Royal Highness saw a man in a corner bed, at some distance off, when, addressing himself to 51r. Hutchison the surgeon of the hospital (from whom we have the anecdote), he said, "Don't tell me any thing

of that man's case ; I know his complaint, and I will tell you all about him when we reach his bed." " Yon, friend," said His Royal Highness to the seaman, "have been serving on the coast of Africa, and your dis- ease is worms." The man, putting his hand to his night-cap, said, "Yes, your Royal Highness, I have just come from the Coast of Africa, and that is my disease, as the doctor can tell you." The Royal Duke had not before seen this patient, who had been recently admitted for hernia humoralis ; but this complaint not having yielded to the usual treatment, the surgeon, thinking it might be symptomatic of worms—a very com- mon disease in Africa—ordered him a dose of oil of turpentine, which only the day before had expelled some yards of tapeworm. His Majesty had served on the coast of Africa, and with his characteristic quickness of perception and retentive memory, must have recognized in this in- stance the peculiar aspect communicated by the diseases of that country. ....London Medical Gazette.

PHYSICIANS TO THE Kra—Dr. Warren's appointment as Physi- elan Extraordinary to his Majesty has been cancelled, at his own re- etnest.—London Medical Gar.ette. There is much whispering in the profession relative to.the recent me- dical appointments about his Majesty's person, and the use made of a delegated authority, which we notice, that if the rumours be incorrect they may be the sooner set right. All the medical appointments of His Majesty as Duke of Clarence are said to have been superseded, and the lame of one party only to have re-appeared among those appointed to attend the King. Sir Henry Halford, Sir Gilbert Blane, and Sir Matthew Tierney, have been appointed physicians in ordinary to His Majesty, to which appointment a salary of 3001. per annum is annexed. Sir Henry Raiford, as President of the College of Physicians, is said to be ex-officio one of the physicians in ordinary to the King ; but as he 'nay not always continue President, he has taken the precaution to be also appointed a physician in ordinary in the usual course, which double appointment of the same person to the same office, is said to give the fortunate holder a right to a double salary, of 6001. instead of 3001. per annum. The name of Sir Henry Mulford appears at the head of the list, though in conjunction with a physician of greater age', of the highest Scientific character, the oldest and longest medical adviser of his late 11/ajesty, and, it is said, also of our present gracious Sovereign, and the only one of the gentlemen whose names are above recorded, who had the honour of serving the present King when Duke of Clarence. It is also said that a Dr. F. Hawkins, a young physician of singular good fortune, as a medical pluralist, (there being fewer salaried appointments in the medical profession than any other,) has been appointed physician to the Royal Household, holding at the same time the appointment of Regis- trar to the College of Physicians, Physician to the Middlesex Hospital, and Professor to King's College; and also last, if not least, is said to be, or to be about to become, the nephew by marriage to the President. When the appointment of Dr. Hawkins as physician to the Household was first mentioned, there was a general impression it was Dr. Bissett Hawkins, which appears to have been erroneons.—Sure THE .DUKE OF WELLINGTON AND PRINCE P0ems:1,0.--R is said that a letter has been found among the papers of Prince Polignac, from a certain illustrious warrior, who has the character of being a great dis- ciplinarian both in the camp and in the Cabinet. In the letter alluded to, the Prince was recommended to be firm, and all would turn out well. By firmness, it was added, "they had been neutralized in England, and

the judicious exercise of the same quality would produce the same effect in France."—Morning Herald. [The Courier says the story is "Ut- terly without foundation.")

EFFECTS OF Ncer ontET v.—It is a singular fact, well worth record- ing, that, notwithstanding Lord Huntingtower owns nine-tenths of the

houses and land at Ilchester, his two sons, the Honourable Felix and Algernon Talmash, who represented that place in the last Parliament, were both thrown out at the election on Friday; while another son of his lordship, the Honourable Frederick Talmas, was equally unsuc- cessful at Grantham on Monday, of which his father is a very consider- able owner.—Leienter Chronicle.

MR. HARRIS.—There was a foolish report, in one or two of the Stun. day Papers, of the death of the new member for Southwark. It was

aot only without foundation, but it had been formally contradicted in the Morning Papers of Saturday. The reported death of a member of

' Parliament was, h-owever, thought too god a thing to keep back, although it was false.

CATHOLIC MEMBERS.—It is calculated that there will be at most not more than nine or ten Roman Catholic 'members in the new Par- liament, and that of these the majority, will be returned for places in England.—Morning Herald.

SEDUCTION.—The following romantic story appeared in the Morning . Herald of Thursday. The scene is laid at Dundalk.—" Two young ladies who have been for some time residing with their mother at Black Rock, near Dundalk, became, without her knowledge, acquainted with two officers, named Captain — and Lieutenant Lord —. Several private interviews followed ; and Captain — at length made proposals of marriage to the youngest, whose age does not exceed sixteen years. She consented, and the marriage was appointed to take place privately in the Captain's lodgings at night. Captain —, accompanied by the noble Lord, arrived at the appointed time, in a chaise, at the rendezvous, where the young lady was waiting in company with her elder sister, who was anxious to witness the ceremony. They drove to the officer's lodg- ings, near the barrack-gate of Dundalk, and were conducted to separate bed-chambers. Lord — immediately began to take improper liberties with the elder sister, and was about proceedine.° to violence, when she for- tunately observed a pistol on time table ; and before his Lordship was aware of her intention' he observed her finger on the trigger, and the muzzle pointed at his breast. He knew it was loaded, and prudently desisted, while the lady succeeded in effecting her escape from the house. The younger sister was found at an early hour the following morning, by one of her relatives and the chief-constable of police, in the bed-room alone, and in a very weak state. The Captain and his noble friend had, in the mean time, fled ; and it is understood they are at present in Eng- land. It is alleged, in Dundalk, that Captain — is a married man, and that his lady is a beautiful and accomplished woman." [How hap- pened it that the elder sister, having found out the character of her com- panions did not give such information as might lead to the immediate rescue of the younger THE THUNDER STORM OF THE 30T1! JULY...--We noticed last week the extraordinary range of this storm from Wolverhampton to Glasgow and Fife. The Clonmel Courier mentions that it was also felt in that neighbourhood. No life was lost, hut the ravages of the hail were very great. The correspondent of the Courier says—" So fright- ful was the appearance of Friday evening last, that but for the recollec- tion of Nineveh, we should have thought ourselves devoted dwellers in a second Sodom." We fear our Irish friends repented but half and half after all.

HACKNEY Coaents.—The returns of the House of Commons of the number of hackney-coaches, chariots, and cabriolets licensed to January 1830, are 1,265. The produce of the duties (2/. per lunar month each carriage), including fines, is 32,908/. 18s. 6d.

PAWNBROKERS.—By the returns of the House of Commons, it ap- pears that the number of pawnbrokers licensed in the metropolis for the year ending January 1830, amounted to 312, who paid a duty of 4,4771. 10s. Those in the country, during the same period, amounted to 1,085, paying a duty of 8,49,0l. Tnrssunn TecreEe--The workmen employed in clearing out the foundations of the new buildings in Mitre Court, in the Temple, lighted on Monday on a small deposit of gold coins ; in the distribution of which they quarrelled, and in consequence the whole were seized by their em- ployer's foreman, Mr. Gurney. The coins were guineas, sixty-seven in number, and one half-guinea. This money must have lain there for many years, as the different pieces are of the reigns of Charles IL, James II., 'William and Mary, Anne, George I., and George II. Mr. Gurney has the gold in his custody, to be delivered to the Treasurer of the Benchers of the Temple. We think it might with quite as much pro-- priety, revert to the finders. The Temple can very well spare so small a sum.

"THREE TIMES Tit/LEE TO MAKE trp NINE."—It is, as the gen.- tlemen of the press have it, a" curious coincidence," that the Capetian and Valoisian dynasties, and that of the elder branch of the Bourbons, just expelled, all ended in the last of three brothers who held the throne in succession. The last of the Capets were Louis the Tenth, Philip the Fifth, and Charles the Fourth, sons of Philip the Fourth. The last of the race of Valois were Francis the Second, Charles the Ninth, (the monster by whose orders the massacre of St. Bartholomew was perpe- trated), and Henry the Third, who was stabbed by Clement. The last of the elder branch of Bourbon, we need hardly add, were the unfortu- nate Louis the Sixteenth, Louis the Eighteenth, as he called himself, (as though the poor boy who died in the Temple had ever been a king, any more than a cobbler, which the precious Directory wished him to be), and Charles the Tenth, a most worthy successor of Charles the Ninth, of orthodox memory.

ROYAL MARRIAGES.—It is stated in the Vienna papers, that Prince 5letternich proceeds immediately to Toplitz to arrange the prelimi- naries of a marriage between the Princess ilary Elizabeth of Prussia, and the heir of the Austrian throne. The Archduke Charles is, ac- cording to the same authority, it is said, about to marry one of the sisters of Prince Gustavus Vasa.

PARISIAN DErcleces.—Although extraordinary exertions had been made to remove the barricades and replace the pavements, the Chassenrs de Chartres which entered on the 6th instant, had great difficulty in making their way through several streets.

CHARLES THE TENTH AT EDINBU non.—When Charles the Tenth re. sided at the Palace of Holyrood House, one of the masters of the High School, the late Mr. Ritchie, was employed to give him some instructions in the English language. Mr. Ritchie, by way of rendering his lessons useful, recommended his royal pupil to study history, in which he found him very ignorant. He tried him in French, English, and Scotch history, but in vain. The only book he could ever induce him to read was the

Vicar of Wakefield.—North Briton. _ Charles the Tenth will be happy to learn that Holyrood House has been thoroughly repaired, and will afford him more elegant and comfortable quarters than it did during his former sojourn. The persons living in it have already begun to speculate on the changes his arrival will occa. , sion, and to look out for other lodgings.—Scotsman.

Harrz.—Major-General Carmichael Smith, Governor and Com- tnander-in-Chief of the Bahama Islands, has received directions from his Government to treat the Haytian flag with due respect.—Barbadoes


FRENCH ItsruotEs.—The French ex-Minister of Marine Baron d'Haussez, arrived on Thursday evening at Eastbourne, having been four nights at sea in a fishing-boat. He made his escape from Dieppe, and It is probable this circumstance which-gave rise to the report of a ferment in that place, occasioned by the flight of Prince Poliguac in disguise. On his arrival at Eastbourne, the Baron called up a French gentleman who was residing there, with whom he remained till the next morning, and then took his departure in a post-chaise for London. His luggage passed without examination or impediment from the Customhouse.— Brighton Gazette. PRAYERS FOR THE KING.—An incident of rather a ludicrous nature occurred last Sunday at a church in the neighbourhood of Paris. A curd not remarkable for his attainments in Latinity, in reading the morning service, was staggered when he came to the word " regem," in the prayer for the King, and after the words " Dhinine salviim fac," abruptly introduced the words "le Gouvernemeut Provisoire."-7Correspondem

• of the Times.

THE DUKE DE BOUDBON.—This Prince, who 'always kept at a distance from the court, was at St. Len on the 28th and 29th of July,

when the inhabitants rose to overthrow the local authorities and the

aansigns of Royalty. Their first care was to proceed to the residence of the Prince, and to assure him, that they would .respect his person,

offering him a guard. To this offer the Prince replied, that he was in the midst of Frenchmen ; that, being a citizen like them, he had no- thing to fear. The next day they returned to him—" Prince, the tri- coloured flag is hoisted on all the public monuments and edifices. We should like to hoist it in our commune." "My friends," replied he, fastening a cockade to his button-hole, "these colours, which the innion has just adopted, will henceforth be mine, and I shall see them with pleasure at the Hotel of the Mayor, as I shall readily wear them my- self."

THE FRENCH IN ALGIERS.—By a vessel arrived at Marseilles from Algiers, interesting accounts were received from the expedition. A pas-

senger in this vessel, who was an officer of the expedition to Algiers, has brought information that on the receipt of the intelligence of the late proceedings in Paris being made known to the troops, they imme- diately proclaimed themselves in favour of Liberty and the Charter,

crying "Down with the Bourbons ! Down with despotism ! " A few of the old soldiers exclaimed, "Long live the Emperor Napoleon the

Second!" General Bourrnout addressed the troops, requesting them,

for the sake of themselves and their country, to show-no popular feeling, as the inhabitants might take advantage of such a demonstration. It is

stated, on very good authority, that this General, now a Marshal, ex- claimed to one of his Aide-de-Camps, on hearing the intelligence," That he had been betrayed by Polignac, and knew that that Minister's poli-

tics would finally subvert the reign of the Bourbons." OII the depar- ture of the above officer, Marshal Bourmont was expected to return immediately to France.—Morning Herald. NAPOLEON'S BONES.—The French Papers speak of an application to the Court of Great Britain for permission to transport the bones of Napoleon from St. Helena to Paris. COMMERCIAL EFFECTS OF THE REVOLUTTON.—It is :now antici- pated that much temporary commercial embarrassment will be the result of the Revolution. In Bordeaux five large concerns have already failed, and we know that in Paris many must soon follow. One mercantile house has already stopped payment in Havre..—Letter from Havre, . August 7. THE VICTORY or THE THREE DAYS.—The total number of killed . and wounded during the days of emancipation, the 27th, 28th, and 29th of July, amounts to 7,000 or 8,000., as many citizens of Paris as of the .Royal army. As they fought very close, and in many instances hand to

hand, the wounds are generally very severe ; and contrary to the usual

results of all battles the number of the dead is more than that of the wounded. The blood of 8,000 Frenchmen has, therefore, drowned the rights of the elder branch of the Bourbons, and their very name is in a measure swallowed up in this horrible hecatomb.—Ilfessalles des

• Chambres.

THE OLD CON1TENTION.—Among the members of this body whose banishment will be reversed by the new order of things, are the follow- ing.—Sieyes, formerly a member of the Assemble Constituante, of the Convention, and Directory ; afterwards a Senator during the empire. Merlin de Douay—Ex-Procurator General of the Court of Cassation, and author of the " Repository of Jurisprudence." Berber—Formerly Councillor of State. BarrereFormerly Member of the Committee of Public Safety. Mailles—Ex-Councillor of the Court of Cassation. In- graud—Formerly Member of the Committee of General Safety. Thie- bandeau—Formerly Councillor of State and Prefect of Marseilles. Gaul. tier. Leva.sseur of la Sarthe—Author of the" Memoirs of the Conven- tion." Chazalle—Formerlv Prefect of the Lower Pyrenees. Pocholle-- Formerly Sub-Prefect of Neufchatel.