the inhabitants of Cripplegate 1Vard was held on Tues- day, and a numerous meeting of the inhabitants of Marylebone parish was held on Wednesday, for the purpose of expressing the opinion of the inhabitants of the ward and the parish on the revolution in France. Alderman 'Wood presided in the City, and Mr. Hume at the Marylebone meeting. The principal speaker in the former case was Mr. Dillon, of the great commercial house of Morrison and Co.; Colonel Jones, and Mr. Buckingham, and a number of others, including the excellent Chairman, addressed the Marylebone meeting. We subjoin the resolu- tions passed there, because they seem to embody all that such a meeting is called on to express, and with much simplicity and conciseness. We particularly recommend to the attention of all persons who meet for similar purposes, to attend to one point in these resolutions—to have their sentiments, if possible, made known to France through the medium of the Parisian, as well as to England through the English journals. The
first great object of all such assemblies is to tell the French people that we sincerely rejoice with them in the victory they have gained. There is nothing better calculated to assure the hearts of the timiti rhere. reel, aiast is of mire 1/11pOrtanCO, to moderate the zeal of tae bold, than tee assurance of our sincere approbation of their conduct. It imposes on them a moral obligation to complete their work in the same admirable
spirit in which they have begun it. In the next place, such an ex- pression of our sympathies has a tendency to generate kindly feelings between the two nations ; an object of great importance; as was- very well observed by Mr. Buckingham, even when we look at our relations
with France in a selfish, but assuredly much more important, when we look at them in a benevolent point of view, as men and as Christians, mad not merely as traffickers. What horrors might have remained un- perpetrated, what waste of life and of substance might have been saved, had we and the other nations of Europe displayed a little of the affection of brethren, seven-and-thirty years ago, which we are proud to show to-day ! Lastly, these meetings, as indications of publicopinion, will be most useful to Our own Government. It is for this reason that we have urged, and must continue to urge, the people to meet, and to meet early. It is for this reason that we listen, with perhaps less patience than is altogether suitable to a mere spectator, to those who still call—Delay, delay ! Do not those prudent advocates of the most dangerous of all things perceive, that if once Ministers should place themselves and the country in a false position, it will be in vain for us to meet and tell them so ? Our part is to lead them in the right, or at all events to keep them from going in the wrong path, by depriving them of the slightest excuse which they might seek to derive from the supposed indifference of the people of England to the welfare a her greatest, and, when all is said, her good and valuable ally—good and valuable in the precise ratio of her greatness and freedom. Those influential personages whom we have called on in vain—whom nothing but the event will satisfy that the act has been praiseworthy—who can witness the highest exertions of virtue and the most loathed of vice, and possess their souls in happy equili- brium, neither applauding nor blaming the actors until revolving months have unfolded the ultimate issues of the good deeds and the bad—these people must not think that mankind is so very simple as to mistake their selfishness for wisdom. We should hear nothing of this waiting upon Providence, were it a case of pounds, shillings, and pence that was to be discussed. There would be no lack of meetings among the merchants of the City—if their bonds were in jeopardy. We know some of them will tell us that certain meetings have beers held by persons who have neither influence nor worth, and whose congratulations are rather to be
avoided than courted. And why have such persons met, and why has the metropolis been left to speak through such organs ? Because those who ought to lead will not lead—because the wealthy and the great shrink from their duty. For our own parts, we much regret that such a question should become a text for itinerant dealers in politics ; and in the exact degree of our regret is our reprobation of those who might rescue it from such a degradation and will not.
The following are the Marylebone resolutioas to Which we have above alluded.
" I. That it becomes the freemen of England, to iail with delight the triumph, of constitutional freedom in France. That we rejoice in the renewed sanction which has thus been given to those sacred principles, under whose influence our fore- fathers relieved themselves and their children from the yoke of an oppressive and degrading tyranny; and earne.stly desire that the Glorious Revolution' whichhas been effected by the ,splendid and,aseroic exertions of the French people may
terminate in their permanent IlbertyorosperIty, and happiness. - "2. That we desire to convey to the inhabitants Of Paris; our admiration of the courage and forbearance which they have so signally displayed during. the late lm- portent struggle; virtues, than which nothing brighter Is to be found in the pages of history, and which will be preserved in remembrance so long as civic heroism is °held in honour. "3 That the public press of France has entitled itself to thegratitude of mankind by the persevering firmness with which, under such extraordinary circumstances of discouragement, difficulty, and danger, it has advocated and sustained the cause of the people.
"4. That as we deem the best interests of every nation to he identified with the happiness of its neighbours, we wound therefore cordially promote their welfare; and we observe with real satisfaction, the gradual extinction of all narrow na- tional jealousies and rivalry, and exult In the rapid progress of liberty throughout the world. "S. That in order to give effect to these sentiments, and mark the sympathy or the parishioners in these events, a subscription be entered into for the relief of the sufferers at Paris, the following gentlemen having kindly consented to receive the saute : Sir Claude Scott and Co. Margaret Street; Colonel Jones, a Upper Glou- cester Street ; Messrs. Marks and Son, Regent Street; Mr. Potter, 73, Crawford Street ; Mr. Jackson, 33, Rathbone Place; J. Eeleton, Esq. 5, Chapel Street; Mr. Eastwick, High Street ; Mr. Green, 158, Oxford Street. "5. That these resolutions be signed by the Chairman on behalf of the meeting, and trwismitted by hint to the Mayor and numbers of the Municipality of Paris ; and also translated into the French language, and published in two of the most popular...journals in France."
Other meetings have been. called—at Birmingham, Liverpool, at Manchester, and we may say 1111 over the country. The following re- quisition was yesterday addressed to Lord Mayor Crowder. "My Lord,—We respectfully solicit your lordship to call a meeting of the inha- bitants of this City as soon as convenient, in onler to give them so opportunity of expres-ing their congratulations at the triumph ufConstittitional Liberty in France ; their admiration of the moderation and courage with which the struggle has been conducted by the brave citizens of Paris, and their fervent hopes that the result of these memorable eveLts may be the con-olidation of all the interests of peace and freedom in every part of the world : and further to promote a subscription for the wounded, the widows, and the orphans of the sufferers, in the late events in the French capital."
It was signed by one hundred names of great respectability, and scarcely one of them was of the kind usually attached to City requisi- tions. The Lord Mayor said he perfectly approved of the object of the meeting, but he felt that he could not in his official capacity call the meeting or preside at it. He advised the requisitionists to call it diem- selves; which they agreed to do.
The subscriptions, which it was argued would be looked cu in France as insulting, do not seem to have produced any such feelings. On the contrary, the whole of the French journals speak of the generous spirit of the English in terms of unqualified praise.
METROPOLITAN POLITICAL UNION.—A meeting of this society which took place on Monday night, and which was attended by about eight hundred persons, was very much annoyed by the violent speeches of two persons, one of whom we had long lost sight of,—John Cade Jones, and the Rev. Robert Taylor. The sentiments of those worthies seem to have been very ill received by the meeting; and an extraordi- nary meeting was called two days after, by a resolution of which bath of them were expelled. The objects of the Uanion hieing !egal, it is right that they should be legally pursued. The coeiery will imally be -aide to effect this if they do me use some caution in admitting members. shoula they rise into notice, they may depend on it there are wretches enow in the community who would willingly pny the entrance fee for the purpose of decoying the leaders into the net of the Atterney-General. 'Whenever a fellow makes a speech in favour of Republicanism or Deism, he ought to be instantly handed to the door, and novel' permitted to enter it again. Reform in Parliament has nothing te do with either of these questions. • _