14 AUGUST 1830, Page 10


STOCK EXCHANGE. FRIDAY EVENINO.—Notwithstanding the general opinion here as well as elsewhere, seems to be that affairs are now settled in Paris, our prices not only do not mend here, but are actually lower than they were at the close of last week. This is the more remarkable, as the French Funds have risen to above the price which; they bore before the recent Revolution, the 3 per Cents. having touched 80 f. and being still above 79 f. We must add, too, that money is abundant, and Stock scarce ; so that the present comparatively low price of Con- sols, when considered with reference to these facts, must be solved by supposing that, while everyone pretends to regard the new order of things as firmly established, nobody has sufficient confidence to back that opinion, as fools are said to do, by a wager,—or, in other words, nobody buys Stock upon the strength of the arrival of the New Jerusalem. This difficulty seems to have struck some of our contempo- raries; and one more learned than the rest has discovered the cause in the result of the recent elections at home, which he considers as involving a change of Ministers.

The price of Consols, which on Saturday last had touched 92, was at the opening

of Monday 915; but before the close of that day, had fallen to 91e. Since then, it has reached 915, and fluctuated between that price and 915, closing today at 915 toe.

The Heavy Stocks arc a trifle higher than they were last week ; and India Bonds and Exchequer Bills appear to be gradually recovering their former value, the former being now 87, and the latter 83s. prem.

The accounts which arrived early in the week from Holland, of the effects of the French news on the markets there, although in a great degree anticipated ',ere, had nevertheless considerable effect, and depressed the prices of all the Continental Stocks more or less. Russian, which had been done on Saturday at 110, fell on Monday to 1055. The Market is now better, and the prices of every de- scription of security are higher; but there has not been much business in any, excepting Spanish, which, after reaching 223 on Monday, are now well maintained at 213. Tile expectation of some favourable change in Spain seems a very reason- able consequence of the events in France ; and the Caries Bondholders very na- turally argue, that while no change whatever can make their situation worse, almost any change may make it better.

In the Share Market there is no change of any consequence.

SATURDAY, ONE o'ceocee—Consols have been 91,1 to 5, and 915 to 3, and are now 915 to 5; but there is not much business. In the Foreign Market literally none.