The judicial proceedings at Versailles proceed without exciting great in-
terest. A preliminary trial has first to be disposed of—that of Huber, who, galled by the accusations of Barbes and others at the Bourges trials, proceeded to Bourges and demanded instant arraignment himself: he was arrested, and has since been kept in prison. This trial is likely to last se- veral days.
Rumours of disturbances at %'aples on the 29th of September were rife in Paris on Thursday: they have been so far contradicted, but letters from Naples of the let instant state the "arrests have been made with great and inexplicable activity during the last three or four days." Ruggiero, Minister of Finance for sixteen months after May 1848, Bozzelli, Minister of Public Instruction, and Dr. Lanza, the chief medical man of Naples, distinguished for science and humanity, had all been looked for, but had eluded pursuit. Signor Zir qp,ff. his brother, supporters of the Constitution, had been thrown into prisoo. It was reported that all the sixty-seven De- puties who protested, on the 15th May 1848, against an Upper.Chamber, were to be arrested and tried by court-martial!
Mr. Temple's note of the 16th September,' urging the grant of Liberal katitutions, had given great umbrage at Court. d' ' K Manin, ex-President of the Republic of Venice, arrived at Marseille* on Saturday.
The Government of Tuscany is said to have obtained a loan of about 1,500,0001. sterling from a house at Amsterdam.
" Our letters from Vienna of the 7th instant," says the Iforning Chronicle, "confirm our statement of yesterday respecting the total amount of the subscriptions to the new loan: the native bankers, merchants, and others, were subscribers to the amount of about 65,000,000 florins alone, and the foreign subscriptions amounted to about 35,000,000 florins." The Chro- nicle then gives a list of all the subscribers, with their respective amounts.
Letters from Berlin, of the 11th, state that a treaty signed at Vienna on the 30th September, relative to the Central Power, was ratified at Berlin on the 10th instant. It agrees that the central power is to be exercised pro- visionally till May by three persons, chosen respectively one by Austria, one by Prussia, and a third by both powers. It is hoped that by May next a definitive bond and sytem of federation will be agreed on.