13 NOVEMBER 1926, Page 2
The expectation that Sun Chuan-fang would be able to check
the Cantonese forces has been diSappointed He has decided to abandon the whOle -province of Kiangsi, and will concentrate his forces on Chekia and other places nearer to Shanghai. His retiremen WAS made inevitable by the treachery which deprived him of Kiukiang. Kiukiang was his most importan base on the south bank of the Yangtze. Thence th railway runs to Nanchning, which is the " capital o Kiangsi. It does not seem that the Cantonese have ye Made any serious effort to occupy Kiangsi, but fro the point of view of the Northerners, whose interests Ive in the hands of Sun, the outlook has become more gloom} * * * -