13 NOVEMBER 1909, Page 29

The True Way of Life : a Reply to Mr.

J. St. Los Strachey. By Edward Grubb, M.A. (Headley Brothers. is. net.)—The essays in this volume, which appeared originally in the British Friend, are written from the Quaker point of view in reply to a series of articles reprinted from these columns and published under the title "A New Way of Life." We do not desire to enter into a discussion upon the merits of the book, for which a preface has been written by the Bishop of Hereford. We may mention, however, that we have already dealt with one of the articles in it, " A Pagan Way of Life," in our issue of September 25th. Our present object is merely to draw attention to the book, and recom- mend it to those of our readers who desire to see the other side put with ability and sincerity.