13 NOVEMBER 1875, Page 1

The Lord Chancellor and the Lord Chief Justice both made

speeches at Guildhall, and both of them referred to the great changes brought about by the Judicature Act, but in a decidedly different spirit. Lord Cairnpapoke of himself as now " the un- worthy head of Her MC.jesbOLS4apreme Court of judicature,—a Court more comprehensive kW greater in every way than any Court which has hitherto existed in this country ;" and he said that the great legal revolution now accomplished would be directed by the Judges "to the attainment for the people of this country of a certain, simple, aad inexpensive justice." The Lord Chief Justice, on the contrary, thought the change did not make "much difference." "I am very much inclined to think with the com- mander who said to his battalions, " When I said, 4 As you are,' I