Common Sergeant Mirehouse, on his return from the Central Cri-
minal Court on Tuesday, was thrown from his horse in Fleet Street, and considerably injured.
Eliza Wadley, bar-maid at a public-house, the King's Arms, corner of Frederick Street, near the Rt•gent's Park, was found early on Tau,sality morning inside the bar with her throat cut. It is sup- posed that somebody must have murdered her immediately after she °petted the doors, about six o'clock. Bloody linger-marks were found on tl•e doorway, and a koife upon the counter. A man, who had quarrelled with the deceased, was in the habit of going to the public- house early in time 'nothing : he was seen about the premises a little before the time when the murder was committed, and helms decamped.
The house of Mr. Furze, Cleveland Row, was destroyed by fire on Tuesday imbruing; and a lodger was burnt to death. The tire also reached the house of Mr. Brown in Stable Yard, of which the uplier pat t was consumed.
On Thursday night, the greater part of the premises of Mr. Clark, an oilman in Shoreditch, were blown up, and reduced to ruins, by an explosion of gunpowder. Many persons were much injured by falling bricks and tiles ; especially a Mr. Mason, who entered the shop just before the explosion.
On Saturday last, four convicts, who were employed in Woolwich Doekyard, escaped by scaling the gate of the yard, after having knocked down the sentinel and seized his rifle. They made their way to some got.ze and uuderwood, where they endeavoured to hide thetnselves, but were soon recapttned by a party of riflemen. They have since been severely flagged.
A duel was fought on Thursday morning in a field near Hampstead 11(iith, between two Polish offirers ; tied one of them, Colonel Ilarro- I faring, received a ball in the abdomen. He was taken to time North London Hospital, where Ile lies with little hopes of recovery. The survivor received forgiveness ; mounted his horse, and galloped to ',melon Bridge ; where he was received on board the Rotterdam steatner, just on the point of sailing. The hour of the duel had been fixed expressly to favour time survivor's escape in this way. The quarrel originated in n gaming-house.