Cbt Couniin,
Time Huddersfield election terminated on Saturday, in the return of Mr. Ellice, by a majority of 30; the numbers being—for Mr. Ellice 340, Mr. (lustier 1190. All the Tolies supported Dustier.
The Honourable Mr. Liddt•11, eldest son of Lord Ravenswortb, has declared himself a candidate for the North Division of Durhatn, on the retirement of Sir liedworth Williumson. We have heard of 31r. Lid- dell before: lie is a Tory of Mr. Hardy's school—se stiff, self-sufficient, aneimt regime sort of patriot ; limes been much given to twaddling at public meetings, and composing namby-pamby verses for the London Annuals. We think that this gentleman has mistaken his calling—that hue is more fitted to become an exceedingly fashroneble preacher about Grosvenor Square, than a useful member of the liortse of Commons. Perhaps his friends may yet consider this, lit time mean time, the Con- servative journals of the North are indulging in a perfect triumph of prophetic vision, seeing that the Reformers of Durham, who erst had it ell their own way, have not yet brought into the field a champion to cope with the Honourable Mr. Liddell. Now we, knowing well that at the proper season a proper candidate will be called forth, mid will appear, are not afraid of Mr. Liddell. Not only to the Durham Re- formers, (who never yet were found wanting when the cause of good government was to be tapheld,) but to every Liberal constituency in the couriti•y proposing to bring a new candidate into the field, we offer this advice. Be not precipitate in announcing yottr candidate ; do not exhaust either your ardour or your sinews of war in idle operations. The day of battle is not yet. Keep well together during the next few months ; form district committees, and look carefidly to the registrations. Even the least sanguine may command a certain portion of success by taking measures to deserve it.
On Thursday Nveck, the Lancaster Reformers, at a public meeting., agreed to support Mr. Greg, a wealthy manufacturer, and re Whig, at the next I:let:that.