The French Chambers arc now organized. In the Chamber of
Peers an address has been voted without opposition, and, unless on the question of the expedition against Algiers, almost without re- mark. CHATEAUBRIAND made a declamatory speech, chiefly directed against the elevation of Prince LEOPOLD ; but concluded with no- thing. The address is an echo of the King's Speech. In adverting to the "culpable manceuvres " obscurely hinted at in that document, the Peers declare they will be met " by the simultaneous concurrence of the two Chambers and the majority of the people." The address was graciously received ; and CHARLES thanked his Peers "because they had fully comprehended and felt the whole of his speech." The bureaux, or initiatory committees, having been formed, the Deputies proceeded to vote the list of candidates fbr the Presidency. RovErt COLLARD, the ex-President, stood at the head on the first vote. His Majesty's confirmation was officially notified on Monday ; and the installation of COLLARD, a Liberal, but a prudent and mode- rate man, took place on Tuesday. The temporary President, M. L'An BEY POMPIERES, (the oldest deputy), on resigning the chair, con- gratulated the Chamber on the elevation of" a citizen (an ominous word) of profound knowledge and devotion to the Charter." The Committee appointed to draw up the answer to the Speech was no- minated as soon as the President was installed ; and of nine names of which it consists, seven are decidedly Liberal. The result of their deliberations has not yet reached us. It is probable they will follow, el-peu-pris, the example of the Peers, and not mar their cause by an exhibition of terror or indignation, as yet unwarranted by any overt act of the Ministry. On the whole, it is yet "touch and go" with Prince POLIGNAC, but we think he will keep his place. The Drapeau Blanc has been ordered to be prosecuted for an in- temperate article, recommending the dissolution of the Chambers, and the alteration of the law of election by ordonnance. This is meant as a peace-offering.