In the Court of Chmeery, vi terday, whilst a entice
was procneding, the Serjeant-at. Arms brought in a young man and two interesting young women, aged about eighteen or nineteen, who had been at rested in Wales fur not having put in any app .:trance to it bill relative to their ancestor's little property. They were all natives of the Prinripality, and could not speak a word of English. It appeared they were wholly ignorant of the cause of their caption ; and so were their relatives, who had attempted, although unsuccessfully, a rescue. The Vice-1 lath- calor seemed to be much struck with this instance of the mischief resulting from the present practice; and the counsel engaged in the cause then hearing (Mr. Knight and Mr. Cooper) immediately under- took to prepare the answer, and measures were taken to start them again on their return to Wales yesterday evening.
In the Second:sties Court, on Saturday, judgment for 50/. damages went by default against Mr. Smithson, the proprietor of the Et:ilish 6'a:we (a Tory paper), for u libel on Mr. Nutt, one of the Coroners for Kent, eri-1:14 ow it ob,es vat ions all his alloged improper conduct daring the late Caete:bury election, whtee he otiiciatid as one of the Dept:), Sieri: P. On the same day, in the Court of King's Be net, the Reverend Walter Fletcher obtained a rule for a criminal information against the proprietor of the Carlisle Journal, for an alleged libel.containcd in some account of the reverend gentleman's proceedings in collecting' his tithes, as Vicar of 1.'arish in Cumberland.
On Mon,lay, Mr. Rol,ert Franks was sentcneed to a womb's im- prisonment and a lisle of -200!., for a libel on Mr. De .11ole, of the 11erchant Tailor's Company. 'the watts r complained of nes; eon_ tallied in some articles furnished by lir. Franks to the .'fareday !Arabi; 0/1 the :1101.2ation of the publishers of that paper.
Thomas who was sentenced, at the last sessions of the Central Crimirial Court, to lIt hanged on Tuesday, for a rape 00 it child, has received a respite for fourteen days, Iii consequence of the rei.resentati II,: of some medical gentlemen, who are of opinion that the Crillle 5S.i ii t fully conimittCli Ill 0111 I hg to 11.1w. It is said that Mr. Cimetrin Sergeant Alirehotise j5i1titic71 the sentenve of death, on
the grouild (If •• anow/ guilt." Strange doctrine this for a Judge when a man's life is at stake !
At the Mast,ionhosepe, on Illetithiy, John Smiling was charged with sr:ILIA:let Catherine Ai array Hi the neck, end attempting to rob her. It Ii ppeared that the tale Pents.',N: was in 0 crowd of pm sons who landed from it ste:1111-11■Alt Of ittShii F 1 nein' 11:11:1CS .:t1 Cot, on Sunday night. She was not long, on the es hart* wham the pristmer put Isis hand tspon her eown, raised it, maid it ahitut her pockets. She immediately seize'd Is till Is). au, coll.., upon finding thnt his intent was to rob her, and smiled aloud for assi,tanee. 'Ilse prisoner then made a blow at her bi east Silth something which he had iIi his Land, but missed her. Ile then strack her tinder the temple, and the blood Ilounal copi.nisly dowit Ill (leek. Again he struck mid wounded her near the same place; but she still kept a firm 11.1.1 of him, mail an °nicer, came to her assist- ance and sie:nired the prisoner. She then stooped and tock up It pe1a- l:n:1'e. 11:1' blade of whirl' was wet %%jilt blood; null she stated, that after having made the second blow at lot', the priscner (Lopped the pni- kti:fo. 1.11e prisoner Was cultitnitted for tiial ; and will doubtless re- pent his attack on this It:solute and spirited woman.
Bow Si.reet, yesterday, Eilwin Caskell, a !ail in the employ of the proprietors of the Stan nen...paper, v.nis; charged by the Society foe O... prevention of Cruelty to .Aitinials Ns kit having spurred and ',canna horse ill so cruel a manlier as to cause its death. The defendant, it ap- th was employed ent the -ith instant, to Ining an express front the It Rates ; on which occasion he had pressed the animal be)-olul
strength, rad spurred it so unalercifully that it tell down Oa Winei!no Bridge, and expired the ile2.:t day. Ile was comicted in the Ler:di:: of 5/. and erisis.
Eli (2a1'en (Mien. yesterday, Samuel Dewey, a plicate in
• I.- t Battalion I o! the Coldstream Guards, WilS eleaged by Mr.
-U tt, hole . • :piing its Sinatie Street, Chelsea, with cent-
, , • pi .1 the son of a tradesman lit Pentley depesed, flirt lie WM.
• • . V.-, y. t•: :,::::.11101•1111i5;
• P •:p• Vt,I s,t tIlta
.7 ,• .,P (1;LA hit: luad si . • r, It in that stseet.
1 :• Ito drew Lis hayoimt ; and It e.: it tel from persmial in..
.:i. lie Pi by the lint at ti e om.,:eet wa: ()Or,. Ile was not drunk. The . !tile 'Ai-toner:A ; aril being unable to pay the fine, Le lit to the tread. mill f,r twn months. [Dow long are these Indians to be suffered to 1. yowl ahutit our streets with weapons of murder in their battle ?J
Alt inquest was held oil Tuesiliiv, on the body of John Henry Pe(1- Icy, brother to the soda-witter.inajaer, %rho sins stabbed on Saturday evening by Robert Potter, a jouria,mass;coachnesker, whom Mr. fedley hail endeavoured to prevent:. from beating his wife. l'he parties live(' in Salutatiou Court, in the district of St. Giles. l'otter was drunk whom he stabbed the duceas.Al. A verdict of 1Vilful Alurdt r was re- tufned by the Jury.
A persois in the glib of a gentleman shot lilni:elf in Hyth• Park,
on i!t.iattiriluy afterisuon. Near the plece where his bo:ly lay, Sills toutid a hettine.-book, iii which losses to the amount of several thousands at the lasteEpsoat Ilaces were lecorded.