The judgment of the Privy Council on the appeal in
the case of Dr. Williams and Mr. Wilson,—essayists and reviewers,—was given on Monday. ' It was brief, lucid, and in every way admir- able, deciding three most important theological pointa,—that the English Church does not require the clergy to believe in the inspi- ration of all portions of the Bible ; that she does not require them to believe that Christ's atonement for us operates by the substitution of his sufferings for ours ; that she does not require them to construe the " everlasting fire" of the last clause of the Athanasian Creed as necessarily final and hopeless. In the whole of this judgment the Bishop of London—who has throughout the discussions on subscription and on the obligations of the clergy deserved the hearty gratitude of all ecclesiastical Liberals—con- curred. The Archbishops of York and Canterbury protested against the doctrine that the English Church does not expect her clergy to believe in the inspiration of all portions of the Bible.