13 AUGUST 1948, Page 29


[A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first corretj solution of this week's crossword so be opened after noon on Tuesday week August 24th. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.4. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.)


1. It's Cecil's case they tun. inside out. (13.)

10. Centralised illicit market ? (9.) 11. Cluster. (5.) 12. Sugar may be found in them. (5.) 13. Anything but forthcoming. (9.) 14. Vertical tunr.el which "fIrs through the air with the greatest of ease." (5.) 16. It's precious painful. (9.) 18. Acid tripe (an-g.). (9.) 19. " - i' the bill, sir ; - i' the bill ! " (Shakespeare). (5.) 21. Alice let's make a change. (9.) 24. North Africans with a grouse ? (5.) 25. Taken across the Channel without permission. (5.) 26. Come to nothing, as it were. (9.) 27. Mr. and Mrs. Seaman's little boy ? (6, 7.)


2. What to do when the company pays a high dividend ? (9.) 3. Thirst ? Evidently one could slake it here. (5.)-

4. -or here with the least rearrange- ment. (5.)

5. It seems entirely selfish, the Royal Irish Constabulary. (9.) 6. A blue tart (anag.). (9.) 7. Found in the American educational system. (5.)

8. In the Orient one must reckon with it. (6.)

9. She offered to rebuild Thebes as a personal advert .sement. (6.) 15. Nine tarts made to look as if they won't not last long. (9.) 16. "Has the motor been here ? " asks the Cockney soldier. (9.)

17. Poor mixture in the packing-case. (9.)

18. A pretty condiment. (6.) 20. Resort to this when listed. (6.) 22. What %till) hold this up ? A nail, per. aps. (5.) 23. neast, not priest. (5.) 24. Mother or myself. (5.)