THE GLOBE—' As We hive had floe than one occasion to p thet out, they (the Lonls) have made a more rapid progress lhan some years ago any one would have ventured to predict ; and allowances must be made for the difficulties which the pre. .judices of education and of position. and the misconceived interests of their order. plaee in the way or further or more rapid advances. They still resist Reform ; but even the must Conservative among them admit of alterations in the laws, and occa- sionally mow principles, which but a few years since would have almost con. victed them of Radicalism. There is eer- Saltily far less difference between the House of Lords and the House ot Com- MIMI at the present time, than there is be- tween the !louse of lords of 1S36 and the same House in 1327. Should they, as is not impossible, continue to advance at the same rate ao they have :14Vaneed during that lie noel. there is no knon hug to what extent of Liberalism they may reach."— [From the Globe, August 12.1 THE CoURIER—" The People, say the Lords, shall not have a free Representa live Assembly. In fiellowing out the same principle, the Tory Lords are, we under- stand, to throw out the Registration of Voters Bill toasight, which stands in the °Weis to be committed in the House of Peers, or so to mutilate it as LIS been re. commended and (Owe:dad by Messrs. Tret or and Sibtlieril in the licensee)! Com- mies,ceo 10 compel that I louse to reject it. They are also, we understand, to throw out the Bill tier appointing Commissioners of the Post-tdree, and almost every other measure sent up them. According to the coi»Inon pltras tlee are' going the whole, hog or discor I; and, by renderhot leg is. lation impossilee, are seeking 10 41e111011• strate that tha Constitution is worn out and leas come to an end. If their Lord- ships are resolved to destroy it, let them. at least, oserve some decency at its last moments, and tent express a savage exulta- tion at its dissolution. • • • From Bat debate of Lest night, which made Ina. nifesa the presumption and arrogance ot the Tory Peers. it is plain t hat if the People du uot u isle to be ruled toy an irresinnisilde I yranny, they mast call on the House of Commons to remember, t hat all the powers ccliilaitikge, of any and every order of OW State :ire but a trust for the public benetit."— [From the Courier, A ugest 12.]