13 AUGUST 1836, Page 13



The intelligence which has been daily received during the whole of the week of the insurrectionary movements in the Southern parts of Spain, and the pro- clamation of the Constitution of 1812 in the cities of Malaga, Saragossa, Seville, and Cadiz, while it has operated most disastrously upon the pi ice of Spanish Stock, has also produced a depression in the price of Consols, which are to day about 1 per cent, below our last quotations. The quantity of floating Stock has also increased, and instead of the scarcity which has existed] for some weeks, the dealers in Stock are now ready borrowers of money, which has been in demand during the whole week at from 3 to 4 per cent. The premium upon Exchequer Bills is also lower. It has been very currently

• reported since Monday, that the French Government have determined to inter- fere directly to put an end to the civil war in Spain ; but as the decline in the French Funds since Monday has not exceeded 1 per cent., we suspect that, though the question of intervention may have been under consideration, it has not yet been decided upon.

The transactions of the Foreign Market have been principally confined to Spanish Stock. The Active Stock, which on Monday was 36, continued to decline till yesterday; when it was as low as 31A. A reaction has, however, occurred ft am that point, and after closing at :121 yesterday afternoon, the rise has continued to char; and, after beim, at 33a the closing price is 93A. The tone of the market is better ; end it is evident that the value of Spanish Secu- ritios will be determined by the intervention or non-intervention of the French Government.

The Portuguese Stocks have sympathized in some degree with the Spanish, and are about 2 per cent. lower. Some of the opposition journals in Lisbon are

ur the repudiation of the loan recently contracted with Mr. I. L. GOLD- Emu.), as its negotiation had not been sanctioned by any legislative enactment: but the terms of it are too favourable to allow us to suppose that such a course could ever be seriously thought of.

The Dutch and other European Continental Stocks are slightly depressed, in consequence of the decline of Consols; but the decline has not exceeded per cent., and the business transacted in them has not been extensive.

The South American Stocks have been about 3 per cent. lower ; but have rallied about 1 per cent. to-clay. In common with all speculative Stocks, they are always affected by any great decline in other Securities.

The Railway Share 31arket has been in a state of complete inactivity, and there has scarcely been any variation of consequence during the whole week. SATURDAY, TWELVE (imam.

The Consol Market has improved, and the price is now 911 The premium on Exchequer Bills has also advanced 1. Spanish Stock is firm at 331. A de- cided improvement has occurred in South American Stocks: Columbian Bonds are 26, and Mexican 31. The Railway Shares continue unmoved ; and the fol- lowing quotations would have been as applicable to any other day in the week as today: London and Birmingham 70 72 prem. ; Birmingham and Derby 23 prem. ; Ditto and Gloucester par 1 prem. ; Great Western 171 181 prem. ; Greenwich 4,3i 4 prem. ; Southampton 11 21 prem. ; North Midlaud 45 prem. ; Leeds and Manchester 13 IS; Cheltenham Union par.


The only fluctuation which we have occasion to notice, is a decline in Spanish Stock, which is nearly 1 per cent. below our morning's prices. It is under- stood that the price of Spanish Stock at Paris yesterday has been received here by a pigeon, and that it was as low as al. To thiscircumstance, in conjunction with the reported proclamation of the Constitution of 1812 at Madrid, accom- panied by popular excesses, the decline in Spanish Stock is to be attributed. The Portuguese Stocks are rather higher. The South Americans are also firm, at their recent improved prices. The Railway Shares are without variation.

3 per Cent. Consols . Danish 3 per Cents. 761 71

Ditto for Account 94 t Dutch 21 per Cents 571 per Cent. Reduced 911 t Mexican 6 per Cents 31/

New 31 leer Cent Anus 1001 Portuguese Regency 5i Cts. 76/ India Stuck 261 Ditto 3 per Cent. 46/ Bank Stock 213 Ditto 5 per Cents 1836 Scrip. par. Exchequer Bills 10 pm. Prussian (1818) 5 per Cent .. Belgian 5 per Cents . 1031 Ilemsstceu (1822) 5 per Cent .. 111/

Brazilian 5 per Cents 871 8 Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent... 33/