In the early part of the week the market for
home Stooks was in a depressed state, and a fall of about 1 per cent. took place in the quotations. Since then, however, it has shown more firmness, and a portion of the decline has bean recovered. Yesterday, Consols, for money, were 90f, f ; Reduced and New Time per Cents., 88f, 89; Exchequer Bills, 16s. to 203. prem. The value of Indian Securities has been fairly supported ; but there has been almost a panic in the Foreign and Railway Share Markets, and a heavy decline has been quoted in prices. The dividend payments having been commenced, money has become unusually abundant, and the best short bills have been discounted as low as 2i, f, per cent. In the Stock Exchange advances on Government Securities have been offered at 1 to 4 per cent.