Tuesday, April 9.
Rowett and Co. Liverpool. shin chaeuiers-Wragg and Blackwell. Sheffield, file- manufacturers-J. and F. Jervis. Sheffield. irenfounders-Illinga firth acid Co. Leeds. coal-merchants; as far as regards J. lllingworth- Bowden and S mo is. Tenses, mer- eers--M. eta and Potter. Procou. cotton-manufacturers-G. and T. Priugle. Gateshead. 'printer-Iugram and Co. Mated' Park. Lancashire. lime-burners; as far as regards J. S. Touge -Steger and Holdswortli. Bristol. tailors-Maley and Naylor. Halifax. woollensmanufacturers-Steaius and Blake. Liverpool. lea-merchante-Dysou and Blake. Leeds, woollen-merchructs-Wood and Pickford. Kirkburion. higelers-S. and N. Biased, Bristol, grocers-Vernon and Cu. Burslem, manufacturers of earthenware- White and Syer. Bridge Street, Blackfriars. auctioneers -Joues and Davis, Rowley Regis. coal-masters-Garnet aud Co. Turnwheel Lane. grocers-Rolfe and Sous, Cheapside, pianoforte-makers ; as far as regards J. L. Rolfe-Greaves and Sons. Sheffield, merchants; as far as regards J. Fawcett.
Dioham. Tiverton, out of business-Johnsou. Birmingham, beer-seller. - Geier, Ox- ford. milliner -Cohen. Hastings. jeweller-Cbannon. Exeter. putter- Larkin. Rat- cliffe Highway, hatter-Bee, Tiekhill, Yorkshire, ;whiter -Pugh, Wedriesbury. grocer -Hartshorn. Porto Bello, near Wolverhamptou. out of business-Mardou. Great Port- land Street pianoforte-mauufacturer-Haynes. Weston super-Mate, Somersetshire, out of business-Picini'. Churlron-upooslledlock. land., urveyor-Whitellead, Long Mel- ford, Suffolk. mail-cart-driver - White, Sheffield. carriers'.agent- Buxton, Hanover Street, Walworth, out of busiuesa-Stanaway. Hammersmith. coueb.painter- Hume, Bale Street, Poplar, watchman-Mathews. Hammersmith, tallow-chandler.
MARKS, R. Union Street, Southwark, victualler.
FRAME. THOMAS, Stone, miller, to surrender April 17, May 14: solicitor, Mr. Wood,
Burslem ; official assignee. Mr. Valpy, Birmingham.
FoWELL junior, JOHN. Quadrant, ludgiughotase-keeper, April 17, May 22: solicitor,
Mr. Smith, Bedrorl Row.
PROCTER, NEN1AN, Leeds, teener, April 20, May 11: solicitor, Mr. Bond, Leeds:
official assignee, Mr. Fescue, Leeds.
%VALIUM. THOMAS and JOHN, York Road. Lambeth. upholsterers, April 23, May 21:
solicitor, Mr. Buell, Austinfriars ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place.
April 30. Austen and Co. Henrietta Street. Covent Garden,bankers-April 30, Dews. Thatcham. Berkshire. miller-April 30. Smith junior. Lime Street ship owner-May 1, Flint. Lewes. linendraper- April 30, T. aud T. Wooster. Coal Exchange, coal-factors -.May 3. Eardley. Exeter, china-dealer-May 10, Westren, Brusliford, Devonshire, Maltailter-May 7, Denim. Weduesbury„ serew-manufacturer-May 4, Frith, Ecclesfield, irontuuuder-May 3, Hancock, Sheffien hackneymau.
TO be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
May 2, Faulkner, Danvers Street, Chelsea, builder-April 30. Pettit, Exiling, Suffolk. livery-stable-keeper-May 1, Chaplin, Inworth. Essex, bricklayer -May 2, Shaw. Londan Wall, builder-May 1, West. Wandsworth, grocer-May 2. heals. Bristol. builder-May 2. Leech, Newcastle upon-Tyue. ironmonger-May 2, Bearup, Bea castle-npuu-Tyne. joiner-April 30. Waland, Exeter, turner-May 1, Wileman, Earl Shilton. Leicestershire. honer.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before April 30. Clegg, Wigau, Lancashire, ironfounder.
Ellis. Mansfield, brush-maker; fival div. of 2s. 4d. any Tuesday ; Mr. Hope, Leeds -Beanland. Birstall, woolstapler ; first div. of 4s. 6d. any Tuesday; Mr. Hope. Leeds -Crowther, Huddersfield, corn miller; second div. cf 4d. April 18, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Freeman. Leeds-Abbott and Tebbitt. Birmingham, tea dealers; first div. of 6s.6d, on the separate estate of R. T. Abbott; and die. of 20s. on the separate estate of A. T. Tebbitt, on April 16, or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Whitmore,
Birmingham. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATION*. ANDERSON. W., Dundee, merchant, April 15, May 13. DutIOLAS, R.. St. Andrew's, blacksmith. April 13, May 4. FVFE. R. H. and W. H., Glasgow, ship-chandlers, April 12, May 2. lammorsano, R. G., Eccles. Berwickshire April II, May 2. Mitten junior. R.. Dundee. April 16. May Z.
• Suorr, J., and Dharwar, J. W., Edinburgh, engineers, April 15, May 6.
Friday, April 12.
Brach and Cheshire. Chester. grocers - Duff and Peacock, Spital Square. silk-manu- facturers-Coleman aud Hunt, Blatadon. Gloucestershire, charcoal-burners- Hunt and Robertshave. Welbeck Street, Cavendish Square, printers-Colemau and Harrigan. Dover. auctioneers-Smith at.d Co. Kingston-upon-Hull, grocers; ar far as regards E. Smith-Revans and Smith, Yoxfurd. Suffolk, grucers-11. and W. Parker, Sevenoaks, curriere-strong and Taney, North Petherton. surgeons-Brook and Briggs. Hudders- field, pelt-dealers-Twisaday and Hambletou, Birkeuhead. Buendrapers-R. aud T. Dawburn, Wisbeach, grocers-W. and J. Burgiu, Sheffield. tailors.
Nixon. Kettering, plumber-Thurlow, Chingford. victualler-Newman, Westbury. Wiltshire. bay•dealer--Jewers, Catharine Buildings, Pimlico, out of employment- M•Nolty. Chenies Street. Bedford Square. currier- Fracks, Rochester. printer- Rhodes, Sheffield, pen knife cutler. -Challiuer, Rotherham. blacksmith-Wall, Bristol carpenter Carter, Hammersmith, carpeuter-Chart, West Lydford, Somersetalure, stiller-W. G. and H. I. sladdan, Clacton, out of employ - Johnston, Wellington, Shropshire, out of business-pulley, Meards Street, Soho, perfumer.
Cram. ermines. Beech Street. Barbican, haberdasher, to surrender April 19, May 24: solicitor, Mr. James, Basiughall Street; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street.
Patsies, FREDERICK Witasaw. Mincing Lane. colonial-broker, April 23, May 14: solicitor. Messrs. Shearman aud Slater. Great Tories Street; official assignee, Mr. Green. Alddermanbury. SAUNDERS, Susan. Golden Square, boardiort-housekeeper, April 23, May 23: radi- ator, Mr. Cheese, Temple; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.
May 3, Piggott junior. Richmond, cabinetmaker-May 3, Belden. Cecil Street, Strived. coal-merchant-May 3, Taylor, Great Wile heater Street. merchant -May 3, SMe Lane, stationer-May 3, 3 cmiesou, Istewurtti. booksel er-May 3.Wurthing- ton. Manchester, draper-May 10, W. and R. Ileslewood aud Skitt, Kingston-upon.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of rneeting.
. May 3, Hughes, Liverpool, paiuter-May 3, Watkiusou, Maghull, Lancashire, giddier.
Te be greeted, rinks* cause be shown to the contrary, on or before May 3. Webb, Leamington, hatel-keeper-Carpenter, Southampt.m. statiouer-Redshaw, Bourn, UUCOluabire. saddler-G. and S. Seecombe, Tavistock, tailors-Ruelnon junior. Nottiugham. livery-stable-keeper-Djer. Colchester, plumber-Hancock, Can- *bury, coach-smith -Megarey, Love Leer, cual-mernhant.
. Whitfield. second div.of Is. I ld. April 1,, or any subse ,neat Wednesday; Mr. Pant. Ma, goghall Street-Crane. first diV. of 7s. April 17, or any subsequent Wednesday; Eli. Follett. Basitighall Street -Nettletou, dual div. of 21d. April 17. or nay subsequent Wednesday ; Smith, Watford. third div. of 314 April 17, or any subsequent Wednes- day; Mr. Follett, Basinghall Street-Cock. Bungay, final die. of Id. April 17, or any phsequent Wednesday; Mr. Follett, Basinghati Street.
Sams, P.. Tillicoultry, manufacturer, April 17. May 18. Tgsgaog, G., Collace, Penhehire, mautifactuter, April 18, May 9.