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IT appears from the official chronicle of Court news, that Sir .lames Clark (dismissed by the Dutchess of Kent for his part in the Lady Flora Hastings scandal) has been in attendance on the Queen; but that her Majesty has " not suffered from the inclemency of the weather." On Monday evening, the Queen went to Drury Lane Theatre. Her Majesty was attended by the Marchioness of Tavistock, Lady Theresa Digby, Miss Murray, Lord Torrington, Major Keppel, and Colonel Buckley. The Queen visited the Italian Opera on Tuesday. The same ladies and gentlemen were in attendance as on the previous even- ing, with the addition of Miss Pitt,
A Privy Council was held on Wednesday, at Buckingham Palace ; and attended by all the Cabinet Ministers except Lord Palmerston. A " Committee of Education" was appointed. The Queen afterwards held a Court. Lord Pahnerston presented M. Moreno, Minister from Buenos Ayres. Audiences were given to Lord Melbourne, the Marquis of Lansdowne, Lord :pinto, Marquis Conyngham, and Lord Palmerston. Lord Hill was Cold Stick, and Lord Torrington Groom in Waiting.
On Thursday, the Queen held her first Drawing-room for the season. The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge, the Dutchess of Gloucester, the Duke of Sussex, the principal Officers of State and of the House- hold, and the Foreign Ambassadors, were present ; but the attend- ance of general company was very small, and the presentations of ladies unusually few. We select the following front the brief list of distinguished names. The Duke and Dutchess of Somerset, the Duke and Dutchess of Beaufort, the Marquis and Marchioness of Lansdowne, the Marquis of Normanhy, the Marchioness of Sligo, Earl Grey, the Countesses of Durham, Camperdown, Cowper, Verulam, and Albemarle, Viscountesses Falkland, Sydney, and Howick, Ladies F. Cowper, Mary
Fox, Cecilia Underwood, and Georgiana Grey, Mrs. Brinsley Sheridan, Ashton Yates, Abercromby, and Maberley. The list of general com- pany comprises only twenty Peers, and of Lords " by courtesy" four- teen ; there were four Baronets, two Reverend Doctors, and no Bishop. The ladies presented were thirty-five.