ENGLISHMEN have vague notions respecting the " influence of the Crown." They recollect DUNNING'S famous resolution, that " it had increased, was increasing, and ought to be diminished ;" and there once was a notion that the House of Commons acted in conformity with their declaration, and immediately began to cut down the Royal influence. Fond delusion! the patronage of Government—a term equi- valent to DUNNING'S " influence of the Crown"—has in reality gone on increasing : its tendency is to augmentation, regular, silent, and rapid. Few persons have any correct idea of its ramifications and ex- tent. There is no complete record of the appointments of profit and honour directly and indirectly held under the Crown. The Gazette itself supplies only a portion of them. Partly with the view of acquiring some authentic knowledge of the amount of patronage which Whigs have gained and Tories lost since Lord MELnotinsn's accession to office in 1835, now that the Whig ac- count is nearly wound up—partly with the desire of ascertaining the individual direction of this species of influence—we have taken a note of the gazetted appointments since the promotion of the present Govern- ment to the close of last year. Excluding the Navy and Army com- missions, and the pensions, the list is very lone, but sadly incomplete.
A Supplement to the Gazette of 17th April 1835 announces the first appointments of the Melbourne Ministry ; and the remainder were soon declared, as follows—
Viscount Melbourne First Lord of the Treasury. Marquis of Lansdowne President of the Council.
lord. Keeper of the Privy Seal, and the Woods and Forests.
Mr. Spring Rice Chancellor of the TAchemter.
Lord John Russell Secretary of State Mr the Home Department.
Lord Palmerston 5ceretziry for Foreign Affairs.
Lord Glenelg Colcnial Secretary.
Lord Holland Chancellor of the Duteby of Lancaster. Sir John 1[0d:wise President of the limed of Control.
Mr. Poalett rhomson r..sident ol the Board of Trade. Lord Auckland First Ford of the Admiralty, Lord Howiek Secretary at War. The Great Seal was in Commission.
The appointments, as they appeared in the Gazette, were—for THE TREAsuRY.
Mr Spring Rice lora of the Treasury. Lord Seymour Ditto.
Ditto. ittttt Mr. W. 1-1. Ord Ditto.
Mr. R. Steuart
lies 0•F,rrall
Mr. Spring Tice '1 It will be seen that no mention is made of the two Secretaries of the Treasury ; who are nevertheless very important pereng, with salaries of 2,50oe a year each. There are also many clerks attached to the Trea- sury and the Exchequer, and changes are frequently made among them; but the public. who pay. will be puzzled to discover the names of these gentlemen. The appointments of Under-Secretaries arc not gazetted, and in fact are never formally promulgated: a notice to the Post-office to allow their letters to lass free, being the only official intimation that the country has secured the services of Mr. E. J. STASLIA or Mr. Fox
We have charged the above appointments to the Home Secretary, because they appear to belong to his department ; but the entries in the Gazette being simply dated " Whitehall," perhaps some may belong to AFPOINT3IENTS BY THE HOME SECRETARY.
Mr. T. J. Ilall, Police Magistrate at pool. tart Segrave, Lord-Lioutenant of (*Ounces- ter,hire 3tr.1 C. Leigh, Lord-Li,MeLon cf Mon- mouthshile. Mr. P. Williams, Lord-Lieutenant a Me- e.
Mr. G. Clive, Assistant Poor-Law Com- Mr. J. ]levans, Ditto. Mr. W. .1. Voules,
Col. T. F. 'Wade, Ditto.
The Earl of Errol, Lord-Lieutenant of Aberdeenshire.
Mr. T. II. Li-tor, Re._:iOner-fleneral of Births, Deaths. and Marriages. Mr..T. Stuart, Inspee;or 01. Factories. Mr. W. Blamire, Tithe Connni,sioner. Mr. '1'. W. Buller, Ditto. Li..ot. R. K. Dawson, Assistant Tithe Commissioner.
Mr. T. S. Woolley, Ditto. Mr. H. Dixon, Ditto.
Mr. J. Mines, l tato.
Mr. J. S. Donaldson, Ditto. Mr. C. Pytn. Sir C. Li-m. mid Sheriff l'rineipal Dumhaitonshire. Lord .11 ereromby, ar stillingshire. Mi. 11,1.11 Ditto of Fireshire.
Mr. J. Tithe Commis- sioner.
Mr. '1'. Sudwortli, Ditto. Sir T. 1Vuglas, T..ielitennit-(loverr.or of Guernsey. 51:. I. .1. Tatham, .A.sistant Pooi-Law ',1araissioner. Mr. .1. D. Merest, Ditto.
Lord Foley, 1.0ni-Lieutenant of Worces-
.1. .V:sigant Tithe Com- m i,sioner. 1,de of.tersey.
'1':.• M':mpits or cut,-.,-lterty, Lieut, and
Sheriff Principal Pronfries:-Iiire.
Mr. .1. 51. Herbert, Assistant Tithe Cum- .
ssloner. Mr. J. .T. Rawlinson, Ditto. _Mr. A. Spiers • Lieut. and Sheriff Principal of Ilenfrewshire.
sir E. Gibbs, Lient.-Governer of Jersey.
the Treasury. Now follows a long account of my Lord PALMERSTON'S patronage.
Earl Granville, Ambassador to France. Mr. C. T. O'Gorman, Ditto at Bahia.
Mr. Ellis, Ambassador to Persia. Mr. J. Hesketh, Ditto at Para.
Mr. .1. MtNeill, Secretary to the Era- Mr. S. II. Sulivan, Secretary of Legation bossy. at Lisbon.
Earl of Durham, Ambassador to Russia. Mr. G. Moore. Consul at Ancona.
Sir E. Lyons, Minister l'lcnipotcWtiano to Mr. G. Gordon, Ditto at Ham de Grace. Greece.. Mr. G. L. Hedges. Ditto in Servia. Mr. E. Pox, Secretary to the Embassy at Mr. IL R. flaw, Ditto at Dautzig. Vienna. Mr. Egan, Ditto at St. Jago.
Sir A. Mulct, Secretary to the Embassy at Mr. J. It. Crowe, Ditto ut Hainerfest, in Twin.Norway.
Sir R. Adair, Ambassador to Prussia. Mr. H. S. Orley, Ditto at Candi°. ,
Mr. II. Fox, Nlodsror Pleuiputentiery to Mr. G. Cdeecumbe, Secretary of Legation
the United States. to the Swiss Cantons.
Mr. C. J. Hamilton, Minister Plenipoten- Mr. C. F. Wi Inlet, Dittoat Florence.
tiary to Brasil. Mr. T. W. Waller, Ditto at Brussels. Mr. .1. II. Maudeville, Minister Plenipte Mr. J. 11. D. Fraser, Ditto at Buenos tentiary to the United Pod bates of Rio Ayres. de la Plata • Mr. 1'. Griffith, Ditto at the Court of Mr. D. Urquhart, Secretary to the Turkish Greece. Embassy. Mr. 11. Boner, Ditto at Philadelphia. Sir E. Disbrow°, Minister Plenipoten- Mr. H. L. Bides r, Secretary to the Em- tiary to the King of the Netherlands. basso at Constantinople. Mr. J. D. Bligh, Did. to Norway. Mr. .1. Cade, Consul at Panama. Mr. J. R. Milbanke, Secretary to the Em- Mr. T. S. Willimott, Ditto at Puerto bossy at St. Petersburg. Cabello. Mr. T. G. Molytteux, Secretary to the Le- Mr. J. F. Close, Ditto at Charente.
gallon at Frankfort. air. J. S. Jerningliatn, Secretary of Legit-
Lord G. W. Russell, Minister Plenipoten- tiou at 1 .isbun . fiery to Prussia. Mr. S. II. Snlivan, Ditto at Turin.
Sir G. Slice, Ditto to Wertemberg. Mr. C. I.. Fitzgerald, Consul at the Bo- Mr. 3. H. Seymour, Ditto to Belgium. bane Islands. Mr. R. Abereromby, Minister Resident in Mr. 3. Greene, Ditto for Continental Tuscany. Greece.
Sir 0. IffilIamilton, Secretary of Legation Sir E. S. Baynes, Ditto at St. Petersburg. __ at Beale. Mr. T. De G. Funhlanque, Ditto at MM. ISIr IL L. 13n1wer, Ditto at Brussels. delphia. Mr. G. Jerniugham, Ditto at Turin. The Marquis of Clanriearde, Ambassador Sir. A. Malet, Ditto at the Hague. to 'Russia. Mr. J. At Neill, Minister Plenipotentiary Mr. J. II. Milbaohe, Secretary to the Ela- te Persia. bossy at Vieille'.
Captain Sheil, Secretary of Legation at Mr. II. L. Bulwer, Dittoat St.Petersburg.
Persia. Mr. C. Bankhend. Ditto at Constantinople. Mr. T. De.Grenier Fenblanque, Consul at Mr. J. Hudson, Ditto at Washington.
Dautzie'. Mr. G. Edgeumbe, Ditto at Hanover. Mr. J. J. Hart, Ditto for Saxony. air. J. II. D. Fraser, Ditto at Florence.
Mr. H. Wilson, Ditto id Arica in Peru. Mr. A. C. Magenis, Ditto in Switzerkuld.
Mr. J. Donut, Ditto in Erzereom. Mr. R. Abereromby, Minister to the Ger- Mr. S. Gardner, Ditto iu Jassy. manic Conffideeition. Mr. J. B. Pentland, Ditto in Bolivia. Mr. 11. E. Fox, Minister to the Grand Mr. W.1'. Mark, Ditto at Malaga. Duke of Tuscany. Mc. J. Parkinson, Ditto in Mexico.
It must be observed that no mention is made of clerks and attach6s, whose names would swell the list prodigiously, and no correct notion can be formed of the Foreign Office patronage without them. However, the catalogue is a goodly one as it stands. We have many first-rate embassies—France, Russia, Austria, Prussia, Turkey, the Netherlands, Spain, Persia, and the United States, besides several removes, which enable the fortunate distributor of diplomatic honours and profits to oblige friends and their connexions in every direction, and in almost
any part of the globe.
Col. 3. Campbell, Town Mayor at St. I fe• Mr. II. W. Macaulay, Judge of the Mixed Jena. British and Spanish Court of Justice at
Earl of Gosford, Governor iu Chief of the Sierra Leone.
British North American Provinces. Mr. W. W. Lewis, Arbitrator.
Mr. J. Douglas, Provost Marshal General Mr. M. L. Melville, Secretary and Re- of Grenada. gistrar. Mr. 0. Dirndl, Attorney-General of the Mr. W. S. Macleay, Judge of the Mixed Bahama Islan.:s. British and Spanish Court at Havana. Mr. S. V. Suttees, Vice-President of the Mr. G. W. II. Sehenley, Arbitrator.
Court of Appeal iu the Mauritius. Cul. Doyle, Lieut.-Governor of Grenada. Mr. W. Norris, Chief Justice of Ceylon. Mr. W. H. Harvey, Treasurer and Ac-
Mr. 3. Joremie, Second Puisue Judge in coutitant-General at the Cape of Good Ceylon. Slope.
Major-General Middlemore, Governor of Mr. G. A. Williams, Substitute to the Ad-
St. Helena. vocate•General at the Mauritius.
Mr. A. Macdonald, Vendee Master in Mr. J. Lees, Chief Justice of the Bahama Berbice. Islauds.
Lieut. 0. Adam Barnes, Town Mayor at Mr. John Austin, Commissioner of In-
St. Helena. quiry at Malta. Ditto. Canada. F. B. Head, Lieut.-Governor of Upper Mr. 6, C. Lewis, Mr. C. Cunningham, Secretary and Clerk
Col. H. Senior, Lieut.-Governor of Au- or the Court of Exchequer in Barbadoes.
tigua. Mr. W. Wilde, Chief Justice at St. lichee'. Mr. Agostiiii, Attorney-General of St. Mr. F. Bedingfield, Secretary and Clerk of Lucius. the Commit in Montserrat. Archdeacon Broughton, Bishop of Aus- Col. H. 0. Macleod, LieuL•Governor of trulia. St: Christopher. Col. Sir J. Harvey, Lb:id:Governor of Sir Lionel Smith, Governor of Jamaica and Prince Edward's Island. the territories depending thereon. Mr. J. 11. Bent, Chief Justice of British Sir 0..1. al. Macgregor, Governor of Ber-
l-1111.1MM. bailees, St. Vincent, Grenada, and Ti,'
Mr. A. Stockenstrom, Lieut.-Governor of bee°. the Eastern Ports of the Cape of Good Sir J. C. Smyth, Governor of British Hope. Guiana.
Capt. J. Hindmarsh, Governor of South Col. W. M. B. Colebrooke, Governor of
Australia. Antigua, Molitserrat, Barbuda, St. Arelmeacon Mountain, Bishop of Montreal. Christollier, Noe is, Anguilla, tin' Virgin Mr. T. C. Hammitt, Provost-Marshal of Islands, awl Dieninies. British Guiana. Mr.J. Edwards, Receiver-General of Ja-
Sergeant Roush, Chief Justice of Ceylon. Mailia. Mr. J. Jerentie, First Puistet Judge of Sir J. Harvey, Lieut.-Governor or New
Ceylon. Brunswick. Mr. J. F. Stoddart, Second Pekoe Judge Mr. C. A. Fitzroy, Ditto of Prince Ed- of Ceylon. ward's Island.
Mr. J. H. Plunkett, Attorney-General of Col. It. Doherty, Governor orSi,Tra.Loone. New St.uth Wales. Col. F. Cockburn, Lieut.-Governor of the
Mr. E. D. Thompson, Secretary and Re- Bahama 1st:eels. gistrar of Records in New South Wales. Mr. J. A. S. Mackenzie, Governor of Mr. W. Macpherson, Clerk of the Lewis- Ceylon. !Mite and Executive Commits in New Sir G. Gipps, Governor of New South
South Wales. Wales.
Mr. J. Reddie, Chief Justice of St. Linda. Mr. .1, Dowling, Chief Justice of New Mr. Elzear Bedard, Judge of Quebec South Wales.
District. General (i. T. Napier, Governor of the Mr. W. IS. Wolseley, Assistant Secretary Cape of Good Hope.
in British Guiana. Sir G. Arthur, Lieut.-Governor of Upper
Mr. G. Steddart, CiUDSIII at Madeira. Camino.
Mr. P. W. Kelly, Consul it Certhagena. Earl of Durham, Governor-General of the
Mr. II. Light, Lieut.-0,,yereur IA Aliliglia. North American Provinces.
Mr. J. H. Fisher, Commissioner of Public Sir A. L. Hav, Governor attic Bermudas. Lands in South Australia. Mr. 3. Turnbull, Secretary of the Island Sir J. Franklin, Lieut.-Governor of Van of Trinidad.
Diemen's Land. Mr. T. Warner, Escrihano of the Courts Rev. W. Hutehins, Archdeacon of Van of Justice in Trinidad. Diemen's Land.
This meagre sprinkling of names shows that the Gazette is not to be depended upon even for the principal legal appointments. Neither the Attorney-General nor Solicitor-General are put down. Several Judges —111.a.tmE and COLTMAN are two—have been appointed within the period over which it extends. Nothing is said of many excellent offices in the gift of the Lord Chancellor and the Judges.
Earl of Minto First Lord of the Admiralty, rice Lord Auckland,
Tunior Lord. Sir C. Adam Sir W. Parker Ditto.
Sir T. Trunbridge Lord Dalmeny, . Ditto. Sir H. Parnell Treasurer of the Navy.
Mr. Cutler Ferguson lodge-Advocate. Sir life kry Parnell. Paymaster or the Forces.
Rev. W. 11. Smith Chaplain at Stirling Castle.
Gen. P. Stewart Coveruor of Edinburgh Castle.
Mr E. Paget Governor or Chelsea Hospital.
Mr. Sergeant Arabia Judge-Advocate.
Sir Hussey Vivian, Master-General. Col. G. Anson, Sturckee;nr, Sir Ratline Dunkin,)Laster-Surveyor. Sir II, Parnell, Treasurer.
Mr. A. Leith Hay, Clerk. Capt. D. Dmides, Clerk.
Mr. Labouchere Vice-President.
Marquis of Copyright= Postmaster-General. Earl of Lichfield Ditto, vice Lord Conyngham.
Mr. II. Labouchere Master of the Mint, BOARD OF CONTROL.
Commissioner for the Affairs of India.
Sir C. Coekerell Ditto.
Sir B. C. Stephenson Commissioner.
Mr. A. Milne Ditto.
A remark previously made applies also to these departments—valu- able but subaltern appointments are not noticed. For instance, there arc capital clerkships in the Admiralty Office, and civil employments in every dockyard and naval station ; many of which must have become vacant and been filled up since the spring of 1835. There are two joint Secretaries of the Board"of Control, with 1,5001. a year each, whose names are not mentioned. The Post-office, as the readers of the Spec- tator well know, is a nest of snug things ; but even Colonel MATIBRLEY, the Secretary, is not noticed, though holding one of the most important and lucrative places in the kingdom.
(molten OF ENGLAND.
Rev. W. Blunt,Vicarage of Newark-upon- Rev, H. B. Caunter, St. Paul's Chapel,
Trent. Marylehone. Rev. W. Leigh, Rectory of Pulliam St. Rev. Dr. Otter, Bishop of Chichester. Mary's, in Norffilk Rev. Dr. Longley, Bishop of Ripon.
Rev. W. T. Marycludelt, Rectory of Sad- Rey. Si'. 13. Otter, Vicarage of Kinlet, iii burn, ill Sewall(, Shropshire.
Rev..T. G. Russell, Vicarage of Newark- Rey. E. Sergitantsen, Vicarage of Kirby upon-Trent. Stephen, in Westmoreland.
Rey. Dr. Carwitlien, Vicarage of Bovey Rev. J. Jennings, Prebendary of St, Pe-
ter's. Westinster. Tracey, in Devonshire. ni Rev. Dr. I lampilen, Regina Professor of Rev. F. Todd, Ministry of Brunswick Cha- Divinity iii Oxford University. pal, Marylebone. Rev, Dr. Maltby, Bishop of Durham. Rev. E. Denison, 'Bebop of Salisbury. Rev. T. A. Coiling, Vicarage of linekland Rev. 'P. Musgrave, Dean of Bristol. Brewer, in Devonshire. Rev. E. Stanley, Bishop of Norwich. Rev. .1. Grey, Vicarage of Wooten, in Rev. II. Mount:. Rectory of Delamere, Iii
Dtirlieni. Rev. Dr. Butler, Millie) of Lichfield. Rev. 3. S. Henslow, Rectory of Ilitehum, in Suffolk. Rev. Dr. Allen, Bishop of Ely.
Rev. F. lloclgsou,Arehileacon of Derby. , Sir 3. G. Sinclair, Capt. of the Port of Gibraltar.
Mr. 3.• Len gley, Treasurer of Trinidad. Mr. E. M'Dowell, Attorney-Geueral of Van Diemen's Land.
Mr. H. C. Jones, Solicitor-General of Van Diemeu's Land.
Mr. H. Loving, Clerk of the Council of Montserrat.
Mr. E. Power, her Majesty's Advocate at Sierra Leone.
Mr. II. C. Southey, Harbour-Master at Demerara.
Col. Gamier, Governor Of South Australia. Mr. .1. Hutt, Governer of Western Aus- tralia.
Mr. H. Light, Governor of British Guiana. Major J. Longley, Governor of Dominica. Col. Lawler, Resident Commissioner of Pablie Lands ha South Australia. Mr. C. It. Nesbitt, Secretary. and Clerk of the Council of the Bahama Islands,
Mr. P. F. Gallon, Assistant Judge a the Bahama Islands.
Mr. J. Laidlaw, Secretary, Registrar. had Clerk of the Council m Dominica.
Mr. E. D. Hay, Treasurer of Trinidad. Mr. W. Mackie, Lieut.-Governor of Set. tlementii in Gambia.
Mr. J. G. H. Bonnie, Chief Justice of NewfOundland.
Mr. C. A. Mylius, Civil Commissioner, Government Agent, and Collector of Taxes at the Seychelles Islands, &pew deucies of Mauritius, Mr. P. Fraser, Sheriff of Van Dimmer; Land, Mr. C. Cooper, Judge of the Province of South Australia.
Mr. A. Oliphant, Chief Justice of Ceylon, Mr. W. II. Radiant, Clerk of the Pealse for the District of Montreal.
Col. W. Reid, Governor of the Bermudas. Sir J. Colborne, Goveruer-General of the North American Provinces.
Long as is the list of Colonial appointments, we suspect it is very imperfect. When a Governor or other functionary is sent to a colony, it is understood that on his arrival certain persons are to have certain places. These appear as the Governor's selections, whereas they are sometimes the condition of his own appointment. The Gazette, it will be observed, contains no note of the successsion of Mr. STEPHEN to Mr. HAY in the office of Under Secretary. The public has no formal intimation of the official existence of the real ruler of the Colonies. The above catalogue shows that no fewer titans thirty-three colonies changed their Governors during Lord GLENELG'S tenure of office. No wonder that he clung to it—or that the impatient longings of the sou of GREY became at last unbearable !
Mr. 3. A. Murray, Advocate of Scotland. Mr. J. Cuniughame, Solicitor-General. Mr. Speim, Sheriff Depute of Elgin and Nairn.
Mr. Perrin, Justice of the Irish Court of King's Bench. Mr. A. Currie, Sheriff Depute of Banffshire. Sir C. Pepys, Lurd Chancellor.
Mr. H. Biekersteth, Master of the Rolls. Mr. N. W. Senior, Master in Chancery. Mr. J. Cunningliame, Lurd of Session in
Mr. A. Rutherford, Solicitor-General in Scotland. Mr. M. Napier, Ordinary Clerk of Session in Scotland.
Mr. R. Aytonn, Director and Clerk of her Majesty's Chancery in Scotland. Mr. H. Cockburn, Lord Justiciary in Scot- land.
Mr. A. Dillies, Lord of Session in Scotland. Mr. A. II. Lynch, Muster in Chancery. Mr. J. S. Stewart, Sheriff Depute of Stir. lingshire.
Mr. R. limiter, Ditto of the Island of Bete. Mr. A. E. Monteith, Ditto of Fitteshire.
Mr. J. Sullivan
Rev, C. Girdlestone, Rectory of Alderley, Rev. J. Pearson, Rectory of Suckley,. In in Cheshire. Worcestershire. Rev. Dr. Musgrave, Bishop of Hereford. Rev. Dr. J. Bowsterid, Bishop of Sodor
Rev. Dr. Lamb, Dean of Bristol. and Man. Rey. J. Hailstone, Vicarage of Bottisham, Rev. IL Blowy, Rectory of Newbury, in in Cambridgeshire. Berkshire. Rev. C. Lacy, Rectory of Althorpe, in Lin- Rev. F. Todd, 'Vicarage of St. Austell, in celushire. Cornwall.
Dr, W. D. Fox, Rectory of Delamere, in Rey. T. S. in. Smyth, yle Ministry of Brunswick Chapel Marbone.
The direct patronage of the Crown, as regards Church livings, appears from this list to be very moderate ; but it lacks the Lord Chan- cellor's preferments. Indirectly, through that functionary, the Crown presents to 807 livings ; and Bishops appointed by the present Ministry up to the close of the last year—namely, Durham, Ely, Lichfield, Chi- chester, Salisbury, Bristol, Norwich, and Hereford—have in their gift 501 more pieces of preferment. . Including Sodor and Man, in less than three years the Whig Ministers disposed of ten Bishoprics.
Lard Belhaven, High Commissioner. Rev. S. Campbell, Berrierlale, in Caitlt- Rev. W. Hannon, Church and Parish of neas-shire. Killtride. Rev. J. M•Millen, Kireudbright, in the
Rev. T. Davidson, stain, in the Edo or Stcwartry or Kircuditright. )11111. Rey. J. WAllister, Nigg, in Ross-shire, Rev. D. B. Mellis, Teeling, in Forrershire. Rey. II.13eatson, Stein. ell011, in the Isle of
Rev. A. Melville, Falkirk, in Linlithgow- Skye. shire. Rev. A. Cairns, Cupar, in Fifeshire. Bev. A. Mackenzie, Kilmuir Wester, in Rev. W. Norval, Brechiu, in Angesshire. Resshire Rey. T. Brown, Mona', in Kincardine- Rey. C. Nairn, Forgan or St. Phillans', in shire.
Fifeshire. Rev. A. KOSSCII, Kinkel', and Lethendie in
Rev. IL Moncrieff, Baldernoek, in Stir- Perthshire, liegshire. Rev. II. Moneriere East Kilbride, in La- Rev. J. Dewar, Salim, in Mull. narkshire . Rev. G. Burnside, Orr or LIrr, in the Rev. A. Topp, Elgin, in Morayshire. Stewartry Kirctokright. Rev.J. Kirk. Arhislot, in Forrarshire.
Re,. R. L v, Campsie, in Stirlingshire. Rev. NV. Ritchie. St. Martin's and Cambus
Rev..!. D. Kennedy, Nigg, in Ross-shire. Michael, in Perthshire. Rev. J. Laird, Inverkeilor, in Forfarshire. Rev. J. Mrray, Dimling, in Fifeshire. Rev. M. S. Johnstone, Mounigoti, iu Wigs Rev. J. Alexander, Kirkaldy, Fifeshire. tonshire. Rev. J. Pollock, Baldernock, in Stirling- Rev. MC:implicit, Glenlyou, hi Perthshire. shire. Rev. C. limiter, Portnahaveu, in Argyle- Rev. L. M Kenzie, Muckairn, in Argyle- shire, shire.
Rev. J. Beldame, Kingoldrum, in Forfar- Rev. J. humsden, Barry, in Forfarshiro. shire. Rev. W. Wood, Westruther, in Berwick- Rev. L. Macpherson, Inch, iu Inverness- shire.
shire. Rev. J. M'Coeb, Brechin, in Angusslaire. Rev. Chalmers, Dumfermline, in Fife- Rev.D.Stewart,Tobermorydn Argyleshire.
shire. Rey. D. harness. Wistowu and Robertown, Rev. J. T. Brown, Sec. Minister at Ditto. in Lanarkshire.
Rev. P.Davidson,Stoer,in Stitherlandshire. Rev. J. Cunningham, Glendowan, in
Rev. A .Fraser,Kirlthilldu Inverness-shire. Perthshire.
Forty-three livings in Scotland have fallen to Lord JOHN RUSSELL'S disposal. Compared with the gorgeous Bishoprics, the Archdeaconries, Canonries, and Prebends, which make up the previous list, the Scottish catalogue is modest—still not to be despised.
Col. Torrey's, and nine others, South Ans. Lord Ashley, and sixteen others, Lunacy trillion Commissioners. Commissioners.
The Archbishop or Canterbury, and Lord Hetrick, and five others, for the con- twelye others, Ecclesiastical Commis- solidoting the several departments of the Army. sinners.
The Earl of Gosford, Sir Charles Grey, Dr. Phillimore, and eleven others, for in- Mr. George Gipps. Canada Commis- quiry into the state of registers of Births, Blotters; and Mr. T. F. Elliot, Seere- Deaths, and Marriages.
fury. Mr. C. S. Lekvre, and two others, for in- Mr. C. H. Tracy, and four others. to ex- quiry into the means of establishing a
11111ille plaits for rebuilding the Houses Rural Police.
of Parliameut. Mr. T. Drummond, and three others, Mr. C. S. Lerevre, and fifteen others, Irish Railway (7onueissioners.
Municipal Iloundaries. Mr. N. Senior, and three others, to in- The Earl of Mink, anti ten others, Church quire halo the condition of the haud- or Scotland.
Some of the Commissions are unpaid, others expensive. To the present Government they have supplied a very useful fund of patronage and influence.
Duke of Argyle, Lord Steward. Mr. D. NV, Davidson, Gentlemen-at-Arms.
Earl of, Master oldie Horse. Sir II. G. I'. Townshend, Licht.-Governor
Earl or Errol, Buck 1 lounds. of the Round Tower of Windsor Castle. Dr. Holland, Physician Extraordinary to Mr. W. F. l)c Roos, Gentleman l',11or.
the Kiel:. Lord.). F. Gordon, Lord of the Bedchamber Mr. (:. S. Deng, Comptroller of the House- Mr. J. II. Glover, Librarian at Windsor
hi H. - Castle.
Mr, C. Ellice, Page or honour. Mr. T. Blewett, Gentleman-at-Arms.
Mr. A. 11;ty, Gentleman at Arms. Mr. W. Martins, Resident Gemlenum Ush.
Colonel Chatterton, Gentleman of the Rev. J. L. Wood, Chaplain in Ordinary to Privy CIL:either. the King.
Mr. E. Markribanks, Ditto. Master J. C. Murray Cowell, Page in Or-
Mr. A. B,'ethunu, Clerk of the Cheque to dinary. the Gentlemen at Arms. Rev. J. S. M. Anderson, Chaplain in Or- Duke or Cambridge, Ranger of Richmond dioary.
Park. Sir A. P. Green, Extra Naval Aide-de- Mr. G. Melton, Ensign of the Guard of Camp. the Yculllell of the Guard, Mr. T. Verner, Gentleman of the Privy
Mr. R. Illackmore, Geutlemanett.Arms. Chamber.
Mr. G. D. Mackintosh, Ditto. Mr. T. G. Walsh, Gentleman-at-Arms. Mr.J. Ellerthorpe, Clerk of the Cheque to Mr. G. P. R. James, Ilistoriognipiter in the Guard ante Vomiter' or the Guard. Ordinary. Mr. T. Gray, Gentleman-at-Arms. Mr. 11. Kettle, a Principal Sergeaut-Sorg. Mr. E. Pearson, Lind. of the Guard of Mr. W. F. Chambers, a Physician in Ur- the Yeomen of the Guard. Binary. Col. IV. Jones, Gentleman Usher Maur- Marquis of Conynehom, Lord Chomherl.
terly Waiter. Lund C. Fitzroy, V tec-Chaniberlaill. Mr. T. Derinzy, Even of the Guard of the Martinis or Ilitadrort, Lord in wailing.
Yeomen or the (Lent. Viscount Falkla ell, Ditto.
Mr. A. Bunn, Gentleman-at-Arms. Viscount Torriuglen,
Lord J. Townsend, Extra Aide-de-Camp. Lord Byron, Capt. P. Bombe, Ditto. Lord Gardiner, Ditto. Mr. II. Smith, Stick or Office, as Seem- Lord !Alford, Ditto.
tars of the Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms. Lord Templentore, Ditto. 31r. T. Stalker, Paymaster of the House- Sir NV. Lumley, Groom in Waiting. hold. Sir 11. Otway, Ditto. Mr. J. Luster, Gentlemau Usher. Colonel Armstrong, Ditto.
Mr. A. Blackwood, Groom of the Privy Mr. ('. A. Murray, Ditto. Chamber. Mr. NV. Coulter, Ditto. Mr. NV. D. Bullock, Gentlemanatt-Arms. Sir H. Seim,
Mr. F. II. Tatman, Ditto. Sir F. Stoviu. Ditto, , .
Mr. C. Dance, Ditto. Mr. H. Rich, Ditto.
Mr. T. N. Reeve, Standard Bearer to the Bishop of Norwich, Clerk of the Closet.
Gentlemen-at-Arms. Earl of Sorry, Treasurer of the Household. Mr. W. Rose, Gentleman of the Privy Sir F. %keit, Master of the Household.
Chamher. Col. Cavendish, Equerry. Rev.." R. Wood, Resident Deputy Clerk Col. C. Grey, Ditto. of the Closet. Lord A. Paget, Ditto, Cul. Wemyse, Ditto. Lady Barham, Ditto.
Countess of Durham. Ditto.
Miss H. Pitt, Maid of Honour.
Miss M. Dillon, Ditto.
Miss C. Cocks, Ditto.
Miss Cavendish, Ditto.
Miss M. Paget, Ditto.
Miss Murray„ Ditto. Miss List∎-r, Ditto.
Miss Spring Rice, Ditto.
Lady (7. Barrington, Bedchamber Woman. Lady II. Clive, Ditto.
Lady C. Copley, Ditto.
Viseout aess Forbes, Ditto.
INT rs. Brand, Ditto.
Lady Gardiner, Ditto. Mrs. (4. Campbell. Ditto, Miss Davy,:, Resident Woman of the Bed.- chamber.
Earl or Uxbridge, Lord in Waiting.
Mr. J. B. Carling. Gentleman-at-Arms. Mr. W. 13ellairs, Exon of the Guard of the
Yeomen o r the Guard.
Mr. II. 1.. Ewart, Gentleman at-Arms.
Mr. It. A. Gray, Ditto.
The Earl of Fingall, Lord in Waiting. Mr. R. N. 3.011(`6, Gentleman-at.Anns.
Mr. F. !Tool:imam, Ditto, Mr. IT. Alexander, Surgeon.Ortilist. Mr. NV. Monk, Aurist Operator.
Dr. Abercromby, and twelve othera.ou the Medical Establishment for Scotland. Mr. 3. Thompson, Gentleman-at-Arms.
Mr. E. Field, Ditto.
Mr. G. Platt, Ditto.
Mr. John Platt, Ditto.
Earl of Bel ilt.t. Vice-Chamberlain.
Mr. J.13. Curling, Clerk dello Cheque to the -Arms.
Mr. C. A. Murray, Master of the HOW' hold.
Mr. G. Koppel, Groom in Waiting. Mr..1. P. 'Nuttall, Exon of the Guard. of Yeomen of the Guard.
Mr. J. Allen, Gentleman of tho Privy Chamber.
'Mr. C. Shakeshaft,Gentleman-at-Arms. batty Portman, Ditto. The Marchioness of Breadalbane, Lady Of Lady Lyttletun, Ditto. the Bedchamber.
For the first time since 1806, the Household on the accession of the present Queen became Anti-Tory. Every principal, and nearly every minor office at Court, is held by a Ministerial Whig. The vast amount of influence thus acquired may be estimated from the fact, that no Minister, however able and popular, is safe when the Household is against him. Lord BIELuoraxr. has maintained himself in office; by means of his influence at Court. It is astonishing to behold the avidity with which the English aristocracy seek appointments in the House- hold ; in proportion to it is the power possessed by the bestower of place at the Palace. .A few of the appointments are obtained by purchase, but
the mass are conferred as marks of Royal and Ministerial favour. - HONOURS.
Mr. C. Grout. created Lord Moeda.
Mr. G. J. Littleton, created Lord Bather- ton.
Sir J. Ilyng, created Lord Strallbril. Sir E Stoptbrd, Knight Grand Cross of the Bath.
Sir II. King, Second Class of the Bath. Mr. R. M. Rolfe, Knighthood. Admire' Ommaney, Knight Commander of the Bath.
Sir Stevenson Barns, Knight Commander. Earl orGosford. created an English Baron —Worlingham. Capt. H. Duncan, Knight Commander of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphie Order. Dr. Ainslie, Knighthood.
Mr. Chimney, Ditto. Mr. G.■ipps, 1/it!o.
Capt. W. It. Dillon, Knight Commander of the Guelphic Order.
Maier F. Sion:lope, Knighted and made Usher of the Order of St. Patriek.• Earl of Cork and Orrery, Knight of the sank Order.
Earl of flown', Knight of the same Order. Lord A. Reauelerk, Knight Grand Cross of the Bath.
Sir C. Adam, Knight Commander of the Bath.
Capt. D. Dunn, Knighthood.
Prince George of Cambridge, Knight of the Garter.
Prince George of Cumberland, Knight of the Garter.
Dr. It .C1 terniside, Knighted of the Guelphic Orler.
Capt. S. Warren. Knight Commander of the Gaelphie Order. Prince Ernest of I lesse Philipsthal. Hono- rary Knieht Grand ('roes of the Bath. Lord Auckland, Civil Knight Grand. Cross or the Bath.
Gen. Deane:, Knight Grand Cross of the 01011)11k Order.
Sir C. T. Metcalf, Knight Grand Cross of the BatIL Mr. W. Norris. Chief Justice of Ceylon, Kniehthood.
Admiral It. L. Fitz terahl, Knight Com- mander of the Guelphie Order. Mr. W. C. Ellis, M. D., Knighthood. Sir C. Pepe:. cre-ated Baron Cottenham. Mary Elizabeth. 1,:t,ly Campbell, created Direness Stratlealen.
Mr. 11. 13iekersteth, created Baron Lang- dale.
Duke or Hamilton. Knight of the Garter. 'Marquis or Lensdowne, ditto.
Sir II. Bethune, Baronet, Sir T. M. Brisbane, Ditto.
Mr. D. Campbell, Ditto. M r. J. life cut Canute, Ditto.
Col. 11. FAIT:ix, Ditto. Mr. C. Mackenzie. Ditto. Rev..1. Barker Mill, Ditto. Mr. It. NV. Newman, Ditto. Sir F. Roe, Ditto.
Sir C. Rowley, Ditto. Mr. J. S. G. Stesie, Ditto.
General Wilshire Wilson, Knight Com- mander of the Gnelphic Order. Capt. .1. B. Bremer, Ditto. Capt. 3. A. Maude, Knighthood. Capt. 3. S. Peyton, Ditto. Capt. II. Hart, Ditto. Geu. C. Maxwell, Ditto. Sir Graham Moore, Knight Grand Cross of the Bath.
Capt. F. B. It. Pellew, Knight Commander of the Guelphic Order. Col. D. James, of Brockville, Upper Canada, Ditto. Geo. AV. G. Davy Ditto.
Mr. 0. II. Seymour, Ditto. ' Mr. D. Brown, created Baum Oranmore. Admiral I'. Campbell, Knight Commander of the 11;1111.
Dr. WA. Hooker, Knighthood. Mr. E. Pearson, Ditto.
Mr. J. Simpson. Ditto. alalor IV. H. Temkin, Ditto.
Mr. 3. Power, Baronet. Sir W. F. Macnaghten, Ditto. Mr..1. Kennedy, Ditto. Sir W. lionstOn, Ditto.
Capt. W. Symonds, Ditto. Col. P. Lintlesay, Ditto.
Dr. t'. I,. Ilerb,.rt, Ditto.
Mr. J. G. alive% Ditto. Major E. BraCkenbury. Ditto. Gen. Lord Aylmer, Knight Grand Cross of the Bath.
Gen. W. Thornton, Knight Commander of the Gen. Kettina, Ditto. Mr. 'I'. 13. 'Mash. Knighthood. Lord Reword or Effingham, created Earl. of Efhiucluam.
Lord Deck, created Earl of Duck.
Lord Yarborough, created Earl of Yarbo- neigh . Mr.E. IL Portman, created Baron Portman. Mr. '1'. A. Fraser. created Baron Lotat. Mr. W. I latibury, created Baron Bateman.
The ( I ri. Earl of Charletnont, an Eng- lish Itirou.
Sir 'r. V. Brisbane, Knight Grand Cross of the Bath.
Gen. J. Wilson, Knight Commander of thu Bath.
Sir W. L. Halsted, Knight Grand Cross of the Both.
Admiral R. Donnelly, Knight Commander of the Bath.
Admiral F. NV. Austen, Ditto.
Admiral G. Mutely, Ditto. Mr. T. Coltman, Knighthood. Admiral A. Drummend, Ditto.
Gen. A. De Betts, Ditto.
Gen. A. Ilalkolt, Ditto.
Col. II. G. Macleod, Ditto.
could relate a carious anecdote of his late Royal Master, in relation to this apt ointment.
* We believe the Marquis of NORMANTIY
Lord Kilmarilock, Page.
Mr. C. Ellice, Ditto.
Mr. 3. C. M. Cowell, Ditto.
Mr. G. II. Cavendish, Ditto.
Mr. R. Blackman!, Gentleman.utArms.
Mr. R. Charnoek, Ditto.
Earl o1' Ilehester, Captain of the Yeomen Guard.
Lund Foley , Capt. oftheGentlemen-nt. Arms Sir F.A.Wrtherall, Extra Groom in Waiting Dr. J. Clark, Physician in Ordinary. Sir II. }Telford, Ditto. Dr. NV. F. Chambers; Ditto.
Sir A. Cooper, Sergeaut Surgeon. Sir B. Break, Ditto.
Mr. R. Keats, Ditto.
Dr. 3. Clark, Physician to the IlousehoM. Mr. J. Phillips, Surgeon to the I lonaellold. Mr. 3. Hussey, Apothecary to the Person. Mr. G. D. Moore.
Sir J. 111.Grigor, Physician Extraordinary.
Dr. Doll:mil, Ditto.
Dr. Latham, Ditto.
Dr. Bright, Ditto. Dr. Anna, Ditto.
Mr. II. Travers. Surgeon Extraordinary. Mr. '1'. Copeland, Ditto. Mr. W. Lawrence, Ditto.
Mr. 11. Earle, Ditto.
Mr. It. Illagdon, Ditto.
Messrs. :Merriman, Apothecaries Extraor- dinary. Mr. C. Dinnerque, Surgeon-Dentist. Mr. L. Dtmlaelter, Surgeon-Chiropodist. Air. Squire. Chemist and Druggist. 11,11i of Betatron', Depot y Clerk of the Closet.
T lent of Chester, Ditto.
Bev. 'I'. P. 610.,(t. Ditto.
Dot rheas or Sutherland, Mistress of the Itotws.
Marchioness of Lansdowne, Principal Lady of the IletIch :Marelikttess of Tavistock, Lady of the Bedchamber.
Countess or Charlemout, Ditto.
(701101,R of Mith,rave, Ditto.
Gen. L. Caldwell, Knight Commander of the Bath. Geu. A. Caldwell, Ditto.
Gen. D. Leighton, Ditto.
Gem C. Deacon, Ditto.
Gen. J. Russell, Ditto. Gen. J. O'Halloran, Ditto. Gen. Robert Houston, Ditto.
Gen. R. Stevenson, Ditto.
Gen. W. Casement. Ditto.
Gen. J. L. Lushington, Ditto.
Earl of Carlisle, Knight of the Garter. Col. Colebruoke, Knighthood. Mr. J. Duke, Ditto.
Mr. F. Forbes, Ditto.
Duke of Somerset, Knight of the Garter. Sir E. Tucker, Knighthood. Sir J. May, Ditto. Sir J. A. Hope, Ditto. Sir H. D. Ross, Ditto.
Sir E. K. Williams, Ditto. Sir F. Stovin, Ditto. Sir J. Russell, Ditto. Sir J. Mixedonell, Ditto. Col. C. Hopkinson, Knighthood. Admiral J. W. Loring, Ditto. Gen. .1. G. Croshie, Ditto.
Sir F. B. Ilead, Baronet. Sir H. Vivian, Knight Grand Cross of the Bath.
Mr. C. Fitzroy. Knighthood. Gen. W. Johnstone, Knight Commander of the Bath.
Mr. S. Heward, Knighthood.
Sir J. Conroy, Baronet. Dr. J. B. Williams, Knighthood.
Capt. W. 0. Pell, Ditto.
Mr. J. J. Hensler, Ditto.
Mr. A. W. Calleott, Ditto.
Me. J. Spittal, Ditto.
Mr. W. .1. Newton, Ditto.
Duke of Roxburghe, created an English Earl.
Mr. T. W. Coke, created Earl of Lei- cester.
Dr. D. Davies, Knighthood. Mr. R. Westmaeott, Knighthood. Col. Arthur. • Ditto.
Sergeant Rough, Ditto. Capt. W. Elliott, Ditto. Mr. G. W. F. Villiers, Knight Grand Cross of the Bath.
Dr. J. Clark, Baronet. Mr. J. Cowan, Ditto.
Mr. M. Wood. Ditto. Mr. B. Hall, Ditto.
Mr. G. Carroll, Kuighthood. Mr. E. G. C. East, Ditto.
Mr. M. Montefiore, Ditto. Sir J. Crofton, Ditto.
The Duke of Sussex, First and Principal Earl Bruce, created Baron Bruce. Knight Grand Cross and Acting Great Mr. T. N. Reeve, Knighthood.
Master of the Order of the Bath. Mr. B. Smith, Ditto. Sir J. Colborne, Knight Grand Cross of Col. D. 31.Dougall, Ditto.
the Bath. Gen. Prendergast, Ditto. Col. D. L. Evans, Knight Commander of Major H. Bayly, Ditto. the Bath. Major W. Lloyd, Ditto, Dr. Doratt, Knighthood. Mr. C. Shaw, Ditto. Mr. 0. Stephen, Ditto. Mr. C. F. Williams, Ditto. Dr. Wilson, Ditto. Mr. J. Kirkland, Ditto.
Mr. S. Brown, Ditto. Mr. W. Newbiggin, Ditto. General Bradford, Knight Commander of Me. W. Pearson, Ditto. the Bath. , Major G. A. Campbell, Ditto. Lord Burgliersh, Ditto. Dr. Munson,i Knighthood.
Sir H. NI orsley, Knight Grand Cross of Capt. Burnes, Ditto.
the Bath. Mr. J. Dowling, Ditto. General D. 'Macleod, Knight Commander Mr. L. Fodder. Ditto. of the Bath. Mr. C. F. Williams, Ditto.
Captain S. I.. II. Hassan, Knighthood. Mr. C. J. Buck, Knighthood.
Mr. J. Robison, Ditto.
Here is a long line of worthies whom Royalty has delighted to honour : nine-and-twenty Peerages, fifty-six Baronetcies, half-a-dozen " Garters," (within these few days two snore have been conferred-on the Duke of CLEVELAND and the Earl of DERBY,) Knighthoods of the Bath and simple Knighthoods by the score. Truly may it be said that our present Sovereign and her predecessor have been lavish in their dis- tribution of honours !
Mr. G. B. Airey, Astronomical Professor at Dr. C. Hodgson, Secretary and Treasurer Greenwich. of Queen Ann's Bounty. Mr. J. W. Birch, Clerk Assistant of the Sir D. Brewster, Principal of the United Parliament. College of St. Salvador and St. Leonard
Mr. Kemble, Examiner of Plays. in the University of St. Andrew's.
Two names, out of the five under this head, rescue Royalty and its advisers from the charge of having entirely neglected men of science in
the profuse shower of patronage. Two small places have fallen to the share of the literary and scientific classes !
Earl of Mulgrave Lord-Lieutenant. Mr. M. O'Loghlen Master of the stens.
The IRISH appointments, with the above exceptions, are not gazetted in England ; and we have not had time this week to inspect the Dublin official paper. We can only therefore remind the reader of the numerous Cathedral preferments, livings, Bishoprics, Judgeships, Stipendiary Justiceships, Assistant-Barristerships, Legal- Adviserships, Commis- sionerships, places in the Excise, the Customs, the Police, the Courts of law, and " the Castle," which have been disposed of during the last three years among the patriotic and disinterested leaders of the seven millions in Ireland, and supporters of her Majesty's Ministers in Par- liament. Whether it is possible to procure any thing like a correct and full account of the Irish patronage, we much doubt : it is, however, enormous; and it has been most unscrupulously applied to Ministerial purposes.
The appointments and promotions in the Army and Navy are not included in the extracts from the Gazette, because they are not gene- rally made from party motives. Some of the very best, neverthe- less, are frequently so made. Men with Ministerial connexions are promoted: over the heads of their superiors in experience, knowledge, and general qualifications for the public service, who have no friends at the Admiralty or the 'War-Office. Thus the patronage of the Army and Navy is made subservient to Ministerial uses to a considerable ex- tent. The pension-fund is another means of procuring support to the existing Government. If our intention had been to display in its full length and breadth the mass of Ministerial patronage, we should have General Blackburn°, Ditto.
Mr. Allan M'Nab, Ditto.
Sir F. P. Robinson, Knight Grand Cross of the Bath.
Lord C. Manners, Knight Commander of the Bath.
Sir J. Macdonell, Ditto.
Major J. G. Le Merchant, Knighthood. Colonel W. Collings, Ditto. Mr. F. Dwarris, Ditto.
Dr. J. Harnett Ditto.
Earl of Mulgrave, created Marquis of Normanby. Lord King, created Earl of Lovelace. Lord Dundas, created Earl of Zetland. Earl of Kintore, created an English Baron.
Viscount Lismore, Ditto.
Lord Carew, Ditto.
Mr. W. F. Ponsonby, created Baron De Manley. Sir J. Wrottesley, created Baron Wrottesley Mr. C. H. Tracy, created Baron Sudeloy. Mr. P. Mi•thuoi, created Baron Methuen. Marquis of Carmarthen, created Baron Osborne.
Col. J. Maiandtl, Companion of the Bath.
Colonel G. A. Wetherall, Ditto. Sir J. F. Herschel, Knight, Baronet.
Mr. M. O'Loghlen, Ditto. Mr. G. E. Lytton Bulwcr, Ditto. General Sir L. Smith, Ditto.
Mr. I'. H. Fleetwood, Ditto.
Mr. S. Crompton, Ditto. Mr. J. Edwardes, Ditto.
Mr. J. P. Boileau, Ditto.
Mr. G. M. Grant, Ditto.
Mr. R. Howard, Ditto.
Mr S. P. B. Mucklethwait, Ditto.
Mr. J. Dunlop, Ditto. Mr. C. P. Shakerley, Ditto. Mr. J. H. Seale, Ditto.
Mr. E. M. Elton, Ditto, Mr. R. S. Adair, Ditto.
Mr. W. Foster, Ditto.
Sir A. W. J. Clifford, Ditto.
Mr. C. D. 0. Jephson, Ditto. Mr. J. Forrest, Ditto.
Mr. D. Roche, Ditto, Mr. B. Heywood, Ditto. Mr. W. Worsley, Ditto. Mr. C. 0. S. Monteath, Ditto.
Gem J. K. Money, Ditto. Mr. J. J. Guest, Ditto.
Mr. M. D. Bellew, Ditto.
included both these departments, with the Customvand Excise; but for the present, we content ourselves with laying before the reader the Gazette announcements from the return of Lord MELBOURNE to power in 1835 to the close of 1838. There is lying before us a supplementary catalogue of appointments in the present year, with some of former years not gazetted-and the names are reckoned by hundreds ; but we stick to the Gazette. And, though incomplete, the muster is of formi- dable bulk ; and exhibits the wonderful forbearance and disia. terestedness of the Tories, who, with the power to take for themselves the good things it comprises, yet refrain from the gratification of the vulgar lust of place and honours, contented with upholding the advance. meat of their principles under a Whig Administration. Lucky Whigs, and more than virtuous Conservatives !
To lie resumed and further illustrated.]