12 SEPTEMBER 1896, Page 1

The Cretan Deputies have accepted the reforms extorted by the

Powers from the Sultan, only stipulating in addition that the Mussulman garrison left in the island shall be a small one. The "reforms," however, have not been officially announced, and the Mussulman Cretans, excessively irritated, are threatening the Christians and besieging the Sultan with petitions either to protect them or to remove them. There would still be most serious danger of a massacre but that the European Powers can shell the largest towns, and that the Cretans, unlike the Armenians, know how to fight, and on an alarm instantly retreat armed into the hills. The Greek Government, it should be noted, is honestly endeavouring to carry out the agreement arrived at by the Powers, and has ordered the arrest and trial of military officers who deserted the Army in order to assist the Cretans, but subsequently returned to Greece. The Macedonian movement also, not being strengthened by massacres, is reported as dying away, and is certainly discouraged alike by Austria and Bulgaria. The Sultan does not appear to

hate either Macedonians or Cretans as he hates the Armenians, a difference probably due to the submissiveness of the latter. Greeks in arms are, in his eyes, enemies; Armenians without arms are heretic rebels who should be slaughtered out. 4. Parcere superbis, debellare subjectos " is Abd-nl-Hamid's version of the Roman saying. It will not work.