• Miscellaneous.
The Reverend Dr. Shut:he:we: tic, of New College, Oxford, is gazetted as the successor of Dr. Ozter in the see of Chichester. The appoint- ment is a testitiomy of tite ihterest taken by the Cabinet in the real welfare of the Church. The new Bishop is known to he possessed of distinguished learaing and of liberal and enlightened opinions. His uncompromising hostility to the newly-broached system of Oxford theology, better knows Cv ti e apeellation of Pueeyistn, and of which his recent work. " Seriptare, not Tradition," affords abundant evidence, at once attests his or-1.•.i.ixy and IS, le: oting.—Gbioe S,tpt. 9.
A correspondies st• the reo a- tieing the appoihtment of Dr. Shuttleworth to the I S,Itoprie of says_
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1,, :illy (tittle Ic iii' 1.p.,:,unwnt of the late Earl of Durham already amounts to upwards of eighteen hundred pounds. In the list of the last few days, we noticed the names of the Bishop of Durham for thirty guineas, and the Earl of Scarborough for twenty-five guineas.—Newcastle Chronicle.
His Excellency the American Minister and Mrs. Stevenson left their residence in Upper Grosvenor Street on Monday, for the Isle of Wight, and purpose making a tour of visits into Devonshire, Wales, and the North of England. His Excellency will be absent for five or six weeks, The Lieutenant-Governor of Chelsea Hospital, General Sir George Walker, Bart., G.C.b., is confined to his official residence by an attack of paralysis; but we learn that the gallant General's physicians do not consider him in any danger.—Times•.
Our private letters state, as a current rumour in high quarters in Paris, that the Bank of England was about to suspend cash payments, and to request of the Bank of France a loan of 30,000,000 franc; (3,200,0001.O which would be readily accorded.—Tintes, Monday.
It is decided by the Poor-law Commissioners that Guardians of Unions have no right to visit poor-houses when they please; and that the right is vested in the Board collectively.
The Poor-law Commissioners have, we understand, given directions that visiters shall not be admitted into the schools for the training of pauper children, at Norwood and elsewhere, until the spring, as various improvements in these establishments are to be carried into effect during the ensuing season.---ollureing Chronicle.