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The rain did not cheer only the birds. The grass has sung a spring song. Lawns are green again beyond expectation ; and we may be thankful that we live in country where we may quote our " redoing jam grantina eampis " with springlike guSto on the very edge of winter. And are we not picking bowls of roses which would be bigger if the flowers on the bushes were not surrounded by buds that prOmise a harvest of flowers for weeks to come? In England -autumn dOes not drown " Ophelia " or diminiSh the red in her fair complexion. And among the Penzance briars even Anne of Geierstein keeps her company. Atittimn is, of course, a second Spring. For example, a patch of rough earth moved three weeks ago in my garden, to make a bank, is to-day -Completely green with freshly gent-limited seeds. Shelley saw only one Side Of autnnut when he wrote of his Western Wind. Most seeds do not wait for the spring " trumpet," and the catkins are already long When the leaves fall from the hazel.