Sra,—In view of Lady Ampthill's letter in your issue of October 5th, I enclose a copy of the Memorandum adopted by the Surrey Branch of the British Red Cross Society in ease you would like to publish it, or parts of it, in your tolumns.—I am, Sir, &c., WELIAM LAWRENCE,
Cam irman, Executive Committee, Surrey Branch.
Ely House, 13 Chartcrhouse Street, E.C. 1.
[We regret that we cannot find space to print the whole Memorandum, hut we give the recommendatiens of the Surrey Branch, which are as follows
"(1) That the Women's V.A.D. Service should be divided into two Sections : A, Pull-time workers; B, Part-time workers.
Seem?? A.
(2) That Section A should be formed into an Auxiliary Women's Section of the Army Medical Service.
(3) That members of this Section should be full-time workers under contract with and paid by the Government and entitled to wear the uniform with a distinguishing badge.
(4) That the Section should be administered on the lines of the Q.M.A.A.C., W.R.N.S., and W.R.A.F.
(5) That the officers required for the administration of the Service should be appointed by the military authorities and gazetted as in the Q.M.A.A.C., W.R.N.S., and W.R.A.F., and should receive pay and allowances according to their rank and duties.
(6) That all ranks should be entitled to pay, privileges, and promotion on a basis similar to that adopted in the other Women's Services.
(7) That the Service should be divided into mobile and immobile units.
(8) That a definite establishment of Section A workers should be fixed for auxiliary hospitals in accordance with the number of beds and class of cases admitted.
Szerme B.
(9) That Section B should be formed on the lines of the present V.A.D. organization.
(10) That it is essential under present conditions that the V.A.D. Service should be represented on the Army Nursing Board.
(11) Auxiliary hospitals should be administered directly by the military authorities, who should have undivided responsibility in- all matters of administration.
(12) The capitation grant to these hospitals should be revised in accordance with the number of Section I members employed in each of them."
—ED. Spectator.]