ffirrfg - s truir Cgintat.
FBANCII:—The rivalry of the various ermdidatwee for- the turn of ruling - the French people has become less preminent; and the pother whicir we mentioned-last week, about-President Bonaparte's sausage and champagne blandishments to the army, has blown over. On the first point, however, some of the journals continue to multiply statements as te.approachitig,uuionof interests between the Chambord and the. Orleans families;; so much so, that the Morning Post of London has COMB out with alormul contradiction. to the averment. by, the Paris- correspondent of the Globe; that the. Duke of Nemours has written "any letter" to the ,Comte deffhambord, much less therefore a letter with the sentiment that 4‘ the happiest day of his life would be that on, which he could place his. sword,ae theserviee of the Comte." A naive and significant admission is made by the same correspondent of the Globe, an Orleanist by avowed "ItappearssYmPatbr— to be the opinion of the leading- men here; that things are-not• ripe for Menarehy ; and that the only prudent course will be-to-prolong the- powers- ef. Louis Napoleon, and endeavour to obtain his cooperation as roe garde the restoration of the Monarchy at a future-period.' On the other point the President's petty bribing. of the military, there have been some indirect demonstrations by the Permanent Committee; who held as extraordinary sitting on Monday, with the understood-object of questioning the Minister of War on the improper cries—" Vive l'Em- pereur," &e.—which some portions of the troops raised in the presence of- President Bonaparte. The Committee is bound to secrecy,. but it is understood that General d'Hautpoul treated the complaints as more .suitable to have been made in the Charivari than in the Committee.; that. both AL &Elm Barret and M. Dupin rebuked this levity—" M. le Min- istre, is legerete de vos paroles n'est pas faite pour nous rassurer" ; and that in the end it was intimated to General d'Hautpoul, that if General Changan:tier be remov.ed from his commend, the Assembly will be, in- stantly reassembled,. and will give him the full" command' over the troops
its disposal for its. personal security., Thus the Committee sanctions the condemnation of the small attempts at military corruption which Ge-
neral has notoriously condemned.
The President reviewed. about 25,000 troops on the Plain of Satoty yesterday. Half Paris flocked out to see it,—not without tremulous ex- eiectatiOns of a coup d'etat, which were pleasantly disappoihted.
HOLIANIII—The. King opened the legislative session of the States- , General on-the-morning of the 7th instant His Majesty's speech con- tained allimions of interest to the advance ofthe• national commerce; the prosperity ofthe.colonies, the satisfactory state- of the finances, and hie intention to extend communications by steam, &c. with other countries.
"Our commeree with abroad is on the increase. We may flatter ourselves that the changes which have been recently introduced into our maritime legislation will not only increase our own power, but will strengthen the bonds of friendship and have very favourable results upon commerce. The state of the colonies and the possessions of 'the kingdom in other-parts of the world is in generalSatiafactory. The colonial finances will, I tras4 be able to contribute even more than had been calculated upon to the demands of the mother-country. The state of our finances is satisfactory; The sources of the revenues.of the state more than amply suffice for its requirements. This circumstance, joined'to the results of a-good administration, shows the prospect—unless unlooked-fer contingencies arise—that- the result of the preeentyear will more-than suffice to make up for the deficit standing over from a former yew. I am seriously contemplating the extension of our re-
lations with the neighbouring countries by the application of those- powers and institutions which contemporary art places at our-disposal. I intencl.t& ask your cooperation to this effect in the course of the present session."
DISNWAIL—The attack upon, Pirderielistadt„ begun. last week by Ge- neral William's army, has latallY failed.. The preliminary operations of
cannonading, and advancing by intrenehment and pontoons, were cone tiuuedfive days. It was then. thought that the ontworka of the place were sufficiently demolished to allow a storming advance. We meat tiered that the .defenee- wee commanded, by Colonel Ilelgesen : this: officer mthoroughly experienced. in_ the special famlittes.of the country he hastie defend—where he has • lived, for- some years, and become. noted as " that otterehunter" ; and he has shown himself also a cool and consummake soldier. During the whole five days of; preparatory attack, he made an' apparently weak defence ; speedily- withdrew his men- from all the ad** vanced position; and answered the.heavy cannonade only-with fbw charges along intervals. The storming, advance was made on the 4th instant, in three columns.: one column marched by the chemises that crosses the marshy level from. Sixth to the town.; a second skirted the Treene-dyke ; and the third took the causeway on. the margin- of the_ Eyler.. The. advance, the check, and the retreat, are described as. follows in a .German.letter- " At a.9uarter past five,, when probably the decision-had' been. come to that. the storming- attack should be undertaken,, the cannonade was fiercer-than, ever; the very earth seemed to tremble under the roar of the heavy pieces. Suddenly, the trumpet-signals.for the advance were heard on all sides; the drums beat the. Marge amid.the loud hurrahs of the troops. The enemy had. throughout the day,. as during, the previous operations, only fired a gun now and. then in. reply: to our heavy bombardment, and scarcely a man of the,. Danish garrison was visiblo the whale. time; an ominous. stillness seemed to prevail in the town. But, as • our columns advanced . at the• pas de charge, against the works at the- Grave Ilof and the Blockhouse, from Seeth.and other points, they suddenly.appeared.in the gardens,: On the dyke; and lie- hind the cuttings; in .an instant thousands seemed to have risen out of the. earth to repel the attack. An unceasing fire-or musketry commeneede through which sounded' high the whistling Of the' heavy,cannon-balls, the, hissing of shells and grenades, and here and there the sullen roar of an ex- ploding mine. The conflict' became terrible; and-as:night-fell was-continued by the light from the burning. town .whichlwing set on fire was left a prey, to-the flames, that continually spread: wider and wider. Whole square blocks. of houses-of. the. regularly-built etreetswe could see :catch flee and consume„ and the place was soon an ocean of flame. The battle continued to. rage, wildly for nearly five hours, from.six. till eleven o'clock,. and.. almost wholly first direction. In the 1st advance our troops got pretty fer.forward.„ but were driven back ; the signal to advance was sounded three or four times„, and the soldiers formed and went forward again with the greatest courage ; but they found behind the works a brave and skilful defence. At last, at eleven o'clock, the signal to retire was given: the enemy was too strong ; and being covered by the dykee- and outer-houses andevwke could. not be dislodged. " We have 5mnintained our old positions during the night. Our loss- is great."
The Sixth Battalion." left all its commissioned. officers dead or wounded. on the place,"—a loss almost, unprecedented inwar. A.pentoon bridge. broke clown at the instant tiuiattaeking troops were -crossing; it ; "a whole rug or section of a company was drowned in the ditch." "The number of-the inhabitants of the town.lolledis, reported as eleven. The place it- self is half destroyed, and will ite. years: ere_ it recovers- the. ruin. this, weetehed warhas-brought upon it" The loss of the besiegers is stated by General William- himself to be* from 300 -to 400-men ; but unofficial estimates .atleast double that num- ben. General Willisen hue assecred.the. Diet- that the. result_ will have "ne decisive effect on the operations of the war "; and that the army is by no means dispirited. The Diet.have authorized thaincrease of the army br 5000, wen - and have:issued an address., to the German people,_ earnes.tIte insisting diet it is " Germany'ssacredecluty to send melee aid: we reqeme,,- while it is yet time-for. it.'
GRANANY.—The crisis in Hesse- Ca.ssor is- little adtancedIowards-se- lutien. General Haynie; brother of the H'essian Minister, and ofthe : Austrian General- of. the same: name,, seems., but an inapt instrumentto carry. out the policy which. the General Bauer shrank from enforcing,. His Rest step ia said to have been the embellishment of: his aged person. with habiliments of suitably commanding.aspeet„ including the broad red stripe down the trousers.. Hismext step was-reboklecormemearnent of his,. repressional policy : he summoned. the Burgher. Guard; and eleolareolthem.. disbandede and on theirrefusingto-nispect his decree, he ordered them. to be disbanded, All the officers:of his-regular troops, except those of thee Hussars, came to him at the- Bellevue Palme- and-.earnestly represent ed to him the disastrous: tendency. of the repressive measurese They spoke with such grave energy that he, was struck with as panic; he thrust his head out-of window, and cried "Treason!" Thenha: threatatecLto put alithe remonstrante.under arrest.: ultimately, however, , he was brought to consent: tensuspencI hie measures, till a.deputation. hash gone to Ham& and get.fresh instructions. Meanwhile, General Heynau remained,. in the language, of some aoceunts„ a. "prisoner. in his own. house."
A despatoh.from the Prussian Government to Count.thiolla, its Chard*. d'Affaires:at Viennak instruetahim in reference to recentdespatches from. the Austrian Cabinet, that_ Prussia will hold. fast to its deolarationsin reference- to the affairs of Electoral Hesse.; repeats that it is " by. no. means pledendlo rest. contented with a simple declaration of the leg&. nullity of all the resolutions- of the Governments airing part in the Foe oeedings of the so-calledDiettespecting these relations,. were an attempt madoto -enforce them"; and.throws the "responsibility" on the members* of the League for any "stepsehey may take."
MUTED STATBS.—The Asia and the Peel& mailesteaniers have brought papers from New York down, to the 29th- September, but have added little to the last news. The five bills which have singly carried out the united effect of Mr. Clay's Compromise Bill, had received the President's signature-and-become- Republican law. Apropos to- the. settlement thus made of the Shivery questions! the Washington-correspondent of 'the Now York Spectator has the following statement- " Reppoorts have reached here, through what are regarded as reliable chan- nels, wi • -the-past twenty-fair hours that senonspreparations are Ong in South Carolina, under sanction- of the State authorities, for a general plan of resistance to the laws of the. United States, or in other words, for secession. The Governor has intimated to the Senators arid Members from the State at Washington, tlmt he designs convening
the Legislature directly after the next State election, which will take place early in October. He will recommend the immediate call of a Convention ; and it is expected that the Legislature will comply
without any expressed division of opinion on the measure The plan, is said to be to unite the direct and cordial cooperation of Georgia. raeorgia will hold her Convention first; if the calculations of the faction are well founded It seems to be placed beyond question that the Con- vention will be called. An election of delegates by the people must be or- dered. The HOMpurs of South Carolina have provided for the not impro- bable contingency that a' majority of the people will refuse to be represented. In that case, they will urge the minority to make common cause with them- settee, to act in advance of the opinion of Georgia, and upon the presump- tion that the majority will be forced up to the mark of treason and rebellion by the zeal and energy of the confederates. But from what we see and know here at Washington, we do not apprehend' that these traitorous pro- jects will receive the aupport of even a respectable minority." The Jenny-Lind mania continued unabated in New York to the end of the Nightingale's first set of concerts there. It is stated' that they have realized the net sum of 140,000 dollars. The auction, of tickets for the concerts at Boston commenced there on the 25th; when a " vocalist " having the glary of the name " Mr. Ossian E. Dodge," gained.additional distinction by purchasing the first ticket at the fabulous price of 625 dol- lars—(about 1140—nearly three times as much as was given by the en- thusiastic hatter of New York. The next ticket went for 24, dollars, and then the price fell to five dollars and a half, which seems to be the aver- age tax that the Americans are willing to pay for a hearing of Made- moiselle Linde powers of song.
An American letter says—" Mae James the novelist has been deliver- ing lectures in Boston; of an historical character, an&withanecess. Ele is quite popular with us. He lives in a beautiful mansion at Jamaica, twelve miles from the city ; where he receives his friends in a handsome manner."
At the ender last week, reports were brought from Arnerica of a bloody fray between. the Squatters and the Real Estate Owners of the San Sacra- mento territory. No later or fuller accounts have been received.: the first complexion of the affair would seem to have been the worst. The American paperer:peak_ of it as a riot, and expect with certainty that the authorities had' put down the disturbers, and enforced the law on the side ofthe-Ownem