The alluring subject of sundial mottoes has been revived by the account of the garden of the author and only begetter of British summer time, whose dial " only records summer- time hours." It says : " Horas non numero nisi aesticas.", The other day, in the garden of a retired Oxford Fellow (whose zeal and energy both for his college and the University are still almost a household word), I was called upon to translate the motto of a new sundial just presented, just erected. The task of translation had one catch, but the motto, as the dial itself, seemed to a rusty scholar to possess peculiar charms.:
" Qui tam strenuus egit atque fidelis vis ut senserit hors quam volaret
huic postquam meritum otium est adeptus horas stare velint sui fugaces negant atque volant volent serenae."
" Sui," to wit " his friends," could scarcely have hit the truth with a prettier tribute ; and did ever English dial enjoy serener hours in its first spring ? May the owner enjoy his " second spring " as much.
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