Stratford Centenary
Tradesmen in Stratford are complaining that the Centenary Celebrations have brought fewer tourists to the town than had been expected.-At the same dine, The- Town Council has voted down the su::- gestion of giving a gram to the Memorial Theane.
Others deride the question. Thou art free. They ask and ask. Thou smilest and art ill, Sickened with sadness at the bar that still Swarms with the searchers for mobility That throng to honour thy centenary, Making the Rugby Field their parking place. The cars do not suffice to fill the space. The loud-capped tourists will not eat the tea. The sale of souvenirs is well below The worst the sad insurance men foretell. Thou walk'st the town, unguessed at. Better so. The stars and sunbeams shine but do not sell. Self-schooled, self-scanned, thou had'sl esteemed it better Had they but given 'a grant to the Theatre.