12 JUNE 1909, Page 19


rro ins EDITOR Or ins " SPECT•TOn."1 SIR,—My attention has been called to an article in your issue of Saturday last, the 5th inst., in which you think that the insertion of extracts from Sir Clinton Dawkins's letter to Herr von G winner reflects on your paper. I can assure you that the connexion of your paper with the Baghdad incident was wholly absent from my mind when publishing the article, and I regret that anything should have appeared in the Nine- teenth Century which could be thought to reflect on your paper, for which I have always had the greatest respect.—I Editor, Nineteenth Century.

[We gladly accept the courteous apology and explanation of the editor of the Nineteenth Century, and would have placed it with the other letters dealing with the same subject had it arrived earlier.—ED. Spectator.]