12 JULY 1902, Page 1


ACCORDING to the latest bulletins, the King is steadily recovering from the effects of his " severe" operation, his Majesty displaying a most unusual power of recuperation. The great surgeons in attendance express perfect confidence, and will, it is believed, allow the King to be moved next week to his yacht. His Majesty is most anxious that the Corona- tion, which has involved such an amount of preparation and expense, should not be indefinitely postponed, and it is now -stated semi-officially that it may take place during the second week in August. That strikes outsiders as perhaps a too bold decision, for although the ceremonial will be curtailed, and the wealthier classes will have dispersed, the millions of London are strangely moved by any regal pageant, and their enthusiasm, as well as the character of the celebration itself, must greatly try even his Majesty's stout nerves. The decision has been promoted by the kindest consideration for many classes of visitors, particularly the Colonials and Indians; but in a private person such haste to be well, though dictated by feeling for others, ,would be blarned as a little rash.