12 JULY 1834, Page 10

POSTSCRIPT • SATUR DAT NIGHT. We can positively state, that

up to a late hour this evening, no Ministerial arrangement whaterer was determined on ; nor has the re- sponsible task of the formation of an Administration, we believe, been _intrusted by the KING to any Member of either House of Parliament. His Majesty, it is publicly known, has advised with Lord MELBOURNE on his present difficulties and personal views. Lord MELBOURNE, of course, has honestly informed the King of the impossibility of a " Coalition Government." Whatever may be the real desire of his Majesty to avoid a truly Liberal Cabinet, we repeat our persuasion

that he cannot successfully construct a Tory Ministry. There is no truth whatever, yet, in the reports that the King bad sent to the Duke Of WELLINGTON or Sir ROBERT PEEL to form a Government ; and while his Majesty acts under the advice of Lord MELBOURNE, we are confident that he will not commit such a grievous folly, or so insult public opinion. Nor do we doubt, that when the result of this ex- traordinary suspension of the Government is made public, the conduct of Lord 111E1Am:waa will justify his reputation for honour and strong


We understand that while the Lord Chancellor was delivering his speech in the House of Lords on Wednesday, certain Ultra-Tory fe- males were assembled in the Gallery, and attracted much notice by the indecorum of their behaviour. In particular one babbling Countess was heard to give vent to her rage in the most foul and outrageous slanders; end these laving, reported to the noble and learned Lord, it is said that instructions have been given to commence a prosecution. When females, whose chief ornament is modesty and quiet, and atten- tion to the &cies of private life, mix themselves in the fury of party, and become the propagators of slander and falsehood, they lose the pri- vilege of their sex, and must expect to be treated as men would be in the same eiremustmices.--ailarniny Chronicle.