12 JANUARY 1929, Page 1

We have written elsewhere about the Jugoslav Dictator- ship, but

may add a few facts here. One of the first acts of the new Administration; as the. Times -correspondent tells us, was to search the houses of Croat deputies at Zagreb. This move has quenched the first enthusiasm Of the Croats at the abrogation of the Constitution. Remarkably severe new laWS have been decreed' for the Defence- of the Realm' and against the Press.- Politieal OrganizatiOns are liable to' suppressiOn on - the Slightest pretext. All . one can hope is that a wise: control of circumstances may make it possible for King Alexander to build a bridge':back to constitutionalisM; That is always a .diffieult feat of pcilitiCal engineering, but it has been done before now under the most unlikely conditions. The reign of the Emperor Francis Joseph' of Austria, for instance, was divided into two distinct phases. The first was of scarcely bridled autocracy, and the second was when he found that concessions of autonomy brought him respect and a considerahle degree of security instead of the break-up which he had feared.

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