12 JANUARY 1929, Page 1

There have-been strangevicissitudes in' the negotiations over the handling of

the' Peace Pact and the Cruiser Bill in the American Senate..: At length the. friends of. the Peace Pact obtained precedence over the Cruiser Bill, and now there. seems to be a, possibility that the Cruiser Bill May be crowded out altogether. Senator Borah has fought a good. fight . for - those who want - the Pact to be ratified without reservation. One after another • • • . . . • , the suggestions that there should . be ,an,. independent • _ resolution calling attention . to the Monroe Doctrine; that the Executive shOuld communicate a , commentary on the Pact to other GOvernments, and that some such • the . Congressional Record, have been `rejected. ese laifurei, wereoine though they be. have given all the more excuse to Senators. to disehis the situation at length. Hence the dwindling hope that enough time will be left over for the Cruiser. Bill. . At all events, we are very hopeful. for the Pict., The prospect would have been very dark if America, had repeated the performance of 1919, and killed her own child.