12 FEBRUARY 1853, Page 10


Novelties are stall rare in Parisian records. The Bteuf Gras, whose pro- cession marks the end of the carnival, has succeeded the Emperor's mar- riage in engrossing the attention of the public ; and it seems as though the producing-power was held in abeyance till these non-dramatic ex- citements are past. At the Opera-Comique there is a little work in one act, written by MM. Barbier and Cane and composed by M. V. Masse, which, under the title of Les NOCCB de Jeannette, teaches how a bride, by the exhibition of domestic virtues, may reclaim a drunken brute of a bridegroom ; and at the Varietes, that nursery branch of physiology which ascribes the duration of the human species to the operation of a parsley-bed has been made the theme of a singularly indecent vaudeville, called Le Potager de Colifichet. We should state, however, that, accord- ing to the French theory, a bed of eabbaoes, not of parsley, is the corn- .man origin maiiiind.